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     (1) To study fungi invasion of wheat and corn collected from Anhui, Jiangsu, Hebei and Henan provinces harvested in 2008 and provide fungal strains for predictive microbiology studies.
     (2) Screening of the key factors which may affect the toxin production by Fusarium graminearum in order to predict the toxin production under different natural conditions. The results obtained from predictive microbiology offer the technical support for controlling the cereal invasion by fungi.
     (3) Fifty strains of F. moniliforme isolated from wheat and corn from 4 provinces were employed in amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) molecular typing studies to identify the subtype and analyze the homology similarity among them.
     (1) Wheat and corn kernels were inoculated onto PDA medium after sterilization with 75% ethanol followed by being rinsed with distilled water. The colony forming unit of fungi were counted and identified after incubation at 28±1℃for 5-7 days.
     (2) F. graminearum inoculated on wheat kernals and corn flakes was used in predictive microbiological test. The L18-Hunter and Plackett-Burman model were constructed to screen the important factors (temperature, ventilatory capacity, water content, pH value, illumination, the amount and ingredients of the medium, incubation time etc.) which may affect the toxin production by F. graminearum. The time course of toxin production was also studied.
     (3) Fifty purified F. moniliforme strains isolated from wheat and corn collected from Anhui, Jiangsu, Hebei and Henan provinces were extracted for DNA. The DNA was cut by both Pst I and Mes I enzymes and the fragments were analyzed after pre-amplification and amplification.
     (1) Fungi were isolated from almost all of wheat samples and the predominant is Alternaria species. While, all corn samples were positive for fungi and the major is Fusarium species. Among which, F. moniliforme was the important.
     (2) The L18-Hunter experimental results showed that only the model fitting results of 3-A-DON、15-A-DON and total of 10 kinds of toxins produced by the strain 3.4522 were statistically significant (P=0.0425,0.0118 and 0.0401 respectively) according to a=0.05 criterion and R2 of the model was 0.80,0.86 and 0.81, respectively. The coefficients of the regression equations were had a effect test and it showed that water content (P=0.0293, 0.0074 and 0.0189, respectively) and incubation time (P=0.0302,0.0074 and 0.0189, respectively) were the key factors that affected the level of 3-A-DON,15-A-DON and total of 10 kinds of toxins produced by F. graminearum strain 3.4522.
     The results of Plackett-Burman experiment designed on the basis of L18-Hunter showed that the model fitting results of the absolute value of DON, logarithm value of DON, ZEN, DON and its derivatives and type B trichothecenes as well as the absolute and logarithm value of total toxin were statistically significant (P=0.0345,0.0022,0.0029,0.0068,0.0067,0.0148 and 0.0006, respectively) according to a=0.05 criterion and R2 of the model was 0.81,0.93, 0.92,0.89,0.90,0.86 and 0.95, respectively. The coefficients of the regression equations were had a effect test and it showed that incubation time, temperature and initial pH value of the media were the key factors that affected toxin production by F. graminearum strain 3.4522. The level of toxins produced by F. graminearum increased with the incubation time extended and reached the highest at the time of between 14 and 28 days.
     (3) Based on AFLP results,50 strains of F. moniliforme generated 1346 bands and 1322 bands were polymorphic. Percentage of polymorphism fragments produced by each pair of AFLP primer varied between 95.21% and 100%. The considerable variation existed among F. moniliforme at DNA level. The F. moniliforme strains from Hebei corns had a higher polymorphism than those from other provinces.
     The similarity coefficients of the strains were between 36% and 81%. The 50 F. moniliforme strains could be divided into 5 groups on the basis of the similarity coefficient of 0.63, in which 49 strains from corns and only 1 strain from wheat. The cluster analysis showed obvious differences in homology similarity of F. moniliforme strains isolated from different crops harvested in the same region and that from the same crop harvested in different regions, but these differences showed no obvious relations with the species and source of the samples.
     (1) Wheats collected from four provinces were seriously invaded by fungi and the majority was Alternaria species. While all corn samples were positive for fungi and Fusarium moniliforme was the predominant.
     (2) Incubation time, water activity within a certain range (20~50%), temperature and pH value were the key factors that affected toxin production of F. graminearum. The level of toxin production by Fusarium Graminearum increased with the incubation time extended and reached the highest at the time of between 14 and 28 days.
     (3) Considerable genetic variation existed in 50 strains of F. moniliforme at DNA level. The F. moniliforme strains from Hebei corns had a higher polymorphism than those from other provinces. There were obvious differences in homology similarity of F. moniliforme strains from different crops harvested in the same region and that from the same crop harvested in different regions, but these differences showed no obvious relations with the species and source of the samples.
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