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     (1)在以六氯环三膦腈(HCCP)与4,4′-二羟基二苯砜(BPS)作为共聚单体,三乙胺(TEA)作为缚酸剂,丙酮为溶剂的反应体系中,分别考察了温度、超声功率、单体浓度和投料方式对产物形貌的影响,进而优化出聚膦腈(PZS)纳米纤维的制备方案。在优化方案条件下,借助SEM、TEM等手段,通过追踪PZS纳米纤维的演变过程,建议了一种PZS纳米纤维的形成机理——原位模板诱导自组装,依据此机理制备出了直径在40~60 nm,长度数微米,初始热分解温度达444℃的PZS纳米纤维,制备过程可在室温条件下、10 min内完成。
     (6)以HCCP与BPS为共聚单体,TEA为缚酸剂,室温条件下成功制备了以Si纳米球为核、PZS为壳的纳米复合微球,TEM表征显示该PZS层的厚度在5~10 nm。该复合微球经900℃的高温碳化后,形成了Si@C纳米复合材料,该材料可作为锂离子电池的负极材料,显示出较高的比容量(1200 mAh/g)、较高的首次充放电效率(73.8%)和良好的循环稳定性。
In this paper, based on the characteristic of phosphazene chemistry, a new template induced self-assembly mechanism (building unit is nanoparticle and the connection between units is chemical bond) was suggested from the view of meso-scale point, different from the normal molecular scale self-assembly (building unit is molecule or macromolecule and the connection between units is nonchemical bond). On the one hand, to provide a novel method to preparing one dimensional polymer nanomaterials, widening the research area of meso-scale assembly field; on the other hand, with the help of nanotechnology, to explore the application of cyclomatrix-type poly phosphazene nanomaterials in high-tech fields. Special research content and results are as follows.
     In the reaction system with hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene (HCCP) and 4,4'-sulfonyldiphenlo (BPS) as comonomers, triethylamine (TEA) as acid-acceptor, and acetone as solvent, an optimum condition for preparing poly(cyclotriphosphazene -co-4,4'-sulfonyldiphonel) (PZS) nanofibers was obtained through checking the influence of different conditions such as temperature, ultrasonic power, monomer concentration, and feeding methods on the morphology of as-synthesized product. Under the optimum condition, with the help of SEM and TEM, we tracked the evolution process of PZS nanofibers and suggested a formation mechanism of nanofibers—in situ template induced self-assembly. Based on this mechanism, we obtained PZS nanofibers with diameter of 40~60 nm, length of several micrometers and initial thermal decomposition temperature of 444°C, which could be prepared in ten minutes under room temperature.
     Based on the proposed mechanism of in situ template induced self-assembly, polymorphic PZS nanotubes (capsicum-like, uniform and branched) and functionalized PZS nanotubes were prepared separately. All these nanotubes owned a highly cross-linked chemical structure. Results of nitrogen adsorption test showed that the surface of as-synthesized nanotubes possessed micro- and mesopores. The unique structure is expected to make them as drug carriers, adsorption materials and nanoreactors. In addition, the morphology change of as-synthesized product could be realized from nanotubes to microspheres by changing the polarity of reaction solvent or ultrasonic power.
     Taking the PZS micro- and nanomaterials as precursors, a new road to carbon materials including porous carbon spheres, carbon nanotubes and nanofibers was developed through high temperature carbonization. The specific surface area and pore volume of carbon materials could be controlled by adjusting the size of carbonization temperature or keeping time under high temperature. Characterization results showed that the pore diameter distribution of the carbon materials was centered at 0.5~1 nm and their formation originated from the escaped non-carbon elements.
     Based on the external template induced self-assembly mechanism, Ag/PZS (core/shell) coaxial nanocables were prepared, which had typical characteristics as follows: (1) the shell materials possess highly stable cross-linked structure with 440°C of initial thermal decomposition temperature, much higher than that of the normal linear polymer for shell materials, and thus cross-linked PZS as shell layer could better protect the metal nanowires as core layer; (2) the shell thickness of nanocalbes could be adjusted from 80 to 300 nm through changing the molar ratio of comonomers to silver nanowires, meeting the needs of different occasions on the coaxial nanocables; and (3) the preparation of Ag/PZS nanocables was performed without use of any surfactants or protective agents at room temperature, which process was simple, easy to control and reduce energy consumption.
     On the basis of the external template induced self-assembly mechanism, multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were modified by polyphosphazenes successfully. As for the modification process, this method had the following advantages: (1) the PZS-functionalized carbon nanotubes could be easily dissolved in water and most organic solvents such as DMF, acetone, THF, and ethanol, (2) the non-covalent wrapping process of PZS on the carbon nanotubes was based on the external template induced self-assembly mechanism, rather than the conventional n-n interaction, (3) the wrapping process could be performed in one pot at room temperature, without using any surfactants or synergists, and thus the post-processing was simplified, and (4) the wrapping layer thickness on the MWCNTs could be controlled.
     Si@PZS composite nanospheres with 5~10 run shell (PZS) thickness were prepared successfully using HCCP and BPS as comonomers, and TEA as acid-acceptor at room temperature. After carbonization of the composite nanospheres at 900°C , Si@C nanocomposites with porous carbon layer were obtained. The electrochemical measurements showed that the carbonization samples exhibited a high specific capacity of 1200 mAh/g, a high first charge-discharge efficiency of 73.8%, and an excellent cycling stability. The superior electrochemical performance makes the Si@C nanocomposite as a promising cathode material for lithium-ion batteries.
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