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"Interracial relations governance is the key issue in peoples'political life of a contemporary multinational state." The so-called interracial relations governance, from the politics point of view, is a political process in which the national state uses its state power to adjust, integrate, reduce and eliminate those political, economic, cultural and social elements which have influences on the harmony, stability and development of the interracial relations. Its essence "is the political process in which the national state uses its power to unify all ethnic groups into a political community and assert its rights". Its purpose is to ensure the virtuous interaction and development between the national state and the nationalities in the state by coordinating and governing the relationships among different nationalities.
     The core of interracial relations governance is the choosing of value orientation. The choosing of value orientation is not unalterable, but can be altered with the historical period of time during which the construction of the national state was conducted. In the process of integration of the nationalities and the state, if any nationality wants to own a political community that is capable of protecting its rights, to realize its independence and its self-improvement, it's necessary for the nationality to construct a political community that's nationality-centered, namely, a national state, which is of apparent characteristics of "the construction of the state that is nationality-centered and which embodies a direct choosing of value orientation to "nationalism"; After the integration of the nationalities and the state, in order to protect the political community of all nationalities—the sovereignty and authority of the national state, and to realize the high integration of the national state, it's necessary to construct a state nationality with common political identity, which is of apparent characteristics of "the construction of the nationality that is state-centered" and which embodies a direct choosing of value orientation to "stateism". How much the value orientation can construct the national state depends on how much the value orientation can construct the state. So, a scientific judge of the right period which the national state is in, and the reasonable choosing and adjustment of value orientation is the necessity of the contemporary interracial relations governance.
     When we look back at the history of interracial relations governance in contemporary China, ever since the founding of People's Republic of China, with the leadership of the CPC, all nationalities have the platform to develop new interracial relations, which lays a systematical foundation and provides a political premise for the harmonious development of the interracial relationship in contemporary China. However, the traditional interracial relations formed during the past thousands of years still exist, and are having double effects:on the one hand, different nationalities are blending with each other, which we can tell from sustaining, extending and developing of the favorable relations; on the other hand, different nationalities are confronting with friction and confliction with each other, which we can see from the existence of unfavorable relations. In the severe international environment, the capitalist camp has regarded the unfavorable relations as the outbreak to overthrow the newly-founded state, China. Because of this, after the founding of People's Republic of China, for the CPC and the state, the choosing of value orientation in interracial relations governance is to uphold the traditional interracial relations, to eliminate the differences between the ethnic groups and the Han nationality, and to promote the development of the ethnic groups so as to make them the nationalities that hold the reins of government and focus on reinforce the new national state and the state power. We can say that, after the movement of "industrialization and transformation of agriculture, handicraft and capitalist industry and commerce" in 1956, and before the reform and opening up in 1978, interracial relations governance in China is more of the characteristic of "the construction of a state that is nationality-centered", i.e. from the nationality to the state "nationalism" value orientation. After the reform and opening up in 1978, with further reform within the state and more opening up to the outside world, the state is developing very fast. During this period, as a member of the Chinese nation, all nationalities were benefiting a lot. But from the state perspective, different nationalities enjoyed unbalancing benefits. Although all nationalities are making progress, the gap among different nationalities has been keeping growing. The comparison with other nationalities within the state and with other nationalities in other states has stimulated the awareness of integrity of its own nationality and strengthened its self-identity. The strong national consciousness has brought some realistic interests for the nationality when it is playing game with the state, and in certain degree had given rise to a new upsurge of the national consciousness. At the same time, the rise of "ethnic separatism" and "pan-nationalism" in the national states all over the world has constituted a real threat to the construction of China's national state. It's urgent to change the value orientation of "the construction of a state that is nationality-centered". According to the experiences of western developed national states, after we have completed the construction of the national state in contemporary China, in order to reduce the impact of the unfavorable relations among different ethnic groups within the state on the national state, the value orientation in the interracial relations governance should be changed to "the construction of the nation that is state-centered". The change of choosing of value orientation has helped construct a national state with one common identity and provided a solid national foundation to construct a national state in contemporary China.
     Yet, the value orientation in the interracial relations governance is only a kind of ideology, it is not capable of self-actualization. The implementation of the interracial relations governance can only be achieved by political, economic, cultural and social approaches in the national state. The relationship between the value orientation in the interracial relations governance and the approaches of governance is as follows:the value orientation is meaningless without the support of concrete approaches. The value orientation cannot work with reasonable value orientation only but without support of the powerful state apparatus and some other necessary approaches, which partly explains why states with similar interracial relation problems and similar value orientations may get quite different results of governance; while without guidance of the reasonable value orientations, the concrete approaches cannot solve any interracial relation problems, and will even intensify the problems, show negative impact on the construction of the state, and even worse disintegrate the state. Cases like that can be seen in some national states. The value orientation in the interracial relations governance is always embodied in some concrete approaches of governance. The value orientation in the interracial relations governance during a certain period of time can be seen from the analysis of the approaches of governance. Therefore, the key to analysis on the interracial relations governance is to investigate problems of choosing of value orientation lying behind it by looking through the complicated approaches of governance.
     The interracial relations governance in contemporary China can only be realized by the interaction between the value orientation of the interracial relations governance and the approaches to the interracial relations governance.
     The so called construction of a national state is a political process of integrating all ethnic groups into one common political community and protecting the community by state power. And the chief idea of the construction of a national state is derived by three basic characteristics of a national state, namely, nationality, service to people, and sovereignty, and can only be realized by enhancing the basic characteristics of a national state. Only by constructing nationality, service to people, and sovereignty continuously to guarantee all nationalities'governance of the state power, recognition and protection of the state territory and equality and realization of rights for all nationalities can the survival and development of the state be guaranteed. The construction of the state that is of national state characteristics forms the value orientation in the interracial relations governance in contemporary China. Whether it is "the construction of a state that is nationality-centered" or "the construction of a nationality that is state-centered", it is the construction of three basic and specific aspects, namely, nationality, service to people, and sovereignty. The so called development of the national state is, in fact, the development of all nationalities which constitutes the national state in areas of politics, economics, culture and society. First of all, the development is embodied in the lateral development, that is, the balanced and reasonable development of all nationalities in areas of politics, economics, culture and society. The balanced development in the four areas is the necessary conditions and fundamental guarantee for all nationalities which constitutes the national state in contemporary China to develop adequately. Then the development is embodied in the vertical development, that is, the consistence and persistence in the development of all nationalities in areas of politics, economics, culture and society.
     As to contemporary China, the development of the national state is its practical task of its continuous existence as a national state. Without the development of the state, there will be no development of the nationalities. The development of the nationalities is the carrier and the ultimate goal of the development of the national state. The development in areas of politics, economics, culture and society in the development of the national state in contemporary China is the development of all nationalities which constitutes the national state in areas of politics, economics, culture and society. The situation of the development of all nationalities in areas of politics, economics, culture and society and the therefore formed complicated interracial relations make the subjects of the interracial relations governance in contemporary China. This explains the fact that the subjects of the interracial relations governance during the development in areas of politics, economics, culture and society in contemporary China shape the main approaches to the interracial relations governance.
     The interaction between the construction and the development of the national state plays an important role in the course of the interracial relations governance in contemporary China. The construction of the national state as a fundamental value orientation consists of trends of nationality, service to people, and sovereignty among political, economic cultural and social dimensions in the interracial relations governance. And the trends of nationality, service to people, and sovereignty revealed in the political, economic cultural and social dimensions in the interracial relations governance make the benchmarks in the value orientation of the interracial relations governance. Based on what's discussed above, the research has taken the interaction between value orientation and governance dimensions behind the interracial relations governance as the analytical framework of and fundamental approach to the interracial relations governance in contemporary China.
     Under such background, and based on the analytical framework of the interaction between the construction of the national state and the development of the national state, this research focuses on the description of and analysis on the interracial relations governance in contemporary China from the political, economic, cultural and social perspective respectively. Firstly, the research combs the main approaches to and functions of the interracial relations governance in China from different perspectives. Secondly, after the analysis on the main approaches to governance, it analyzes value orientation behind the interracial relations governance in detail and summarizes problems resulting from it. Thirdly, it analyzes the new situation and the new problems of the interracial relations governance in contemporary China after decades' governance. On the whole, the research first looks back at the background of the interracial relations governance in contemporary China, discusses inner motivation of choosing of value orientation of interracial relations governance, evaluates the merits and demerits in the interracial relations governance and then makes concrete suggestions that in order to handle the new change and the new problem in the interracial relations we need to change value orientation of governance from "the construction of a state that's nationality-centered" to "the construction of a nationality that's state-centered".
     It's evident that, the interracial relations governance in contemporary China is a political process which involves the complicated social and historical phenomenon: the nationality and the national state. So we need to take both "the attributes of a nationality" and "the attributes of a state" into consideration. On the one hand, we have to match "the needs that are intrinsic to a multinational state and existence and development of all nationalities", or, the requirements of construction and development of a state that's nationality-centered; on the other, we have to guarantee the development of all nationalities being favorable to the unification and safeguard of the state, or, the requirements of construction and development of a state that's state-centered. Once deviated from the trend of construction of the national state and from the value orientation of safeguard the unification of the multinational state, the interracial relations governance will stray away from the right track and will destroy the existence of the national state; once deviated from the development of the national state—the balanced development in lateral and vertical dimension—and from respecting the political, economic, cultural and social rights and interests of all nationalities in the construction at all levels, the construction of the national state will lose support and reorganization from all nationalities and therefore cannot be achieved.
     Simply put, as far as the interracial relations governance is concerned, we need to analyze particular problems according to different ethnic groups and regions. We need to safeguard the consciousness of ethnic identity and strengthen the formation of the consciousness of national identity. We need to avoid moving from one extreme into another, and covering one tendency with another.
     Based on this, the research reflects and summarizes the interracial relations governance in contemporary China, proposes to change the value orientation in the interracial relations governance, adjust approaches to governance and construct an evaluation mechanism of value orientation in the interracial relations governance. And the research makes corresponding suggestions about choosing of value orientation in the interracial relations governance, constructing concrete approaches to governance and an evaluation mechanism of value orientation in the interracial relations governance.
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