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     (3)T 10:薄膜光催化活性最好的匹配是陶瓷载体和Fe卜穆杂,其次是釉面瓷砖上cr卜
    砖和玻璃来说,播杂cr卜时T 10:薄膜光催化活性的提离幅度都是最大.其中釉面瓷砖
    瓷来说,有些离子掺杂提高了T 10:的光催化活性,如「e3+、cu卜、zn卜等,但是有些离
    子掺杂却使T 10:光催化活性降低7,如Pb,’、Ni’‘、Ag’等。
     (5)不掺杂时,釉面瓷砖和玻璃上T 10:薄膜的光催化活性较差,但是掺杂某些离子
    的Fe卜,其提高幅度仅为49.83,,。因此,载体和离子的交互作用对T 10:薄膜的光催化
    步证实了载体和掺杂离子的交互作用对T 102薄膜光催化活性的影响
     (1)载体和T 10:薄膜(掺杂金属离子)之间的界面结构、双电层结构以及载体与
     (2)不同载体上T 10:薄膜的离子掺杂浓度、离子半径、离子的电子轨道、以及离子
    子掺杂却使T 10:的吸收光谱发生了蓝移。但是无论是蓝移还是红移,大部分离子修杂
    都提高了T 10:薄膜的光催化活性。
    存在一定差异。载体和离子的交互作用对T 1 02薄膜的光催化活性具有很大
This paper systeniically studied 13 metal ions doping behaviours to the TiO2 thin film on different nonmetal substrates ceramic tile, ceramic and glass, and first put forward the interaction concept and model existed between doping ions and substrates. Interaction between substrates and doping ions was analyzed by interface structure, electronic double layer structure and composite semiconductor of substrates and TiO2 thin film and so on. And the changes of quantum size effect and energy gap induced by different ion dopants in TiO2 thin film supported by ceramic tile, glass and ceramic were analyzed by UV-VIS absorption spectra of TiO2 thin-film. Influence of doping ions on potocatalytic activity was analyzed by concentration of dopants, ion radius, ion electronic orbit and ion energy level and so on. The main results of this paper are following:
    1 Potocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film is not only related with doping ions but also related with subsrates Interacion effect was existed between substrates and dopings.
    (1) For one substrate, the potocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film can be changed by doping ions. For the ceramic tile substrate, the potocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film doped Cr3+ is the highest, and W6+ Ag+ Al3+ Cu2+ Fe3+ Zn2+ La3+ Mn2= Ni2+ V5+, Pb2+ is following, the worst one is Co2+. For the glass substrate, the potocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film doped Cr3+ is the highest, and Cu2+ Al3+ Ag+ Mn2+ W6+ Ni2+, V5+ La3+, Fe3+ Pb2+ Zn2+ is following, the worst one is Co2+. For the ceramic substrate, the potocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film doped Fe3+ is the highest, and Cu2+, Zn2+, La3+, Co2+, W6+, Mn2+, Cr3+, Al3+, V5+ Ag+ Ni2+is following, Pb2+is the worst.
    (2) The potocatalytic activities of TiO2 thin film doped the same ion on different substrates are different. The potocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film is related with not only doping ion but also substrates. Doping effect is different with different substrates.
    (3) The optimum matching for enhancing the potocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film is doping Fe3+ on the ceramic substrate, then doping Cr3+ on ceramic tile substrate, doping Cu2+ on ceramic substrate, doping Zn2+ on ceramic substrate, doping La3+ on ceramic substrate and doping Cr3+ on glass substrate.
    (4) The enhancement of potocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film doped ions is different. For ceramic tile and glass substrates, enhancement of TiO2 thin film doped Cr3+ is the largest, 157.27% and 155.26% respectively. Photocatalytic activities of TiO2 thin film doped other metal ions are changed to different extent. Such as TiO2 thin film doped Co2+ Pb2+ supported on ceramic tile, the enhancement of photocatalytic activity is 47.79% 60.27% respectively. For ceramic, some ion dopants enhance photocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film, such as Fe3+ Cu2+ Zn2+ and so on. However other ions dopants decrease photocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film, such as Pb2+ Ni2+ Ag+ and soon.
    (5) Photocatalytic activities of TiO2 thin film undoped ions deposited on ceramic tile and glass are very low, but after doping certain ions, both photoactivity can be enhanced greatly. Such as Cr3+ Cu2+ Al3+ and so on. However for cerermic, Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film undoped ions is high, after doping certain ions, the enhancement compared with that of ceramic tile and glass is not obvious. Such as Fe3+ whose doping effect is the best, its enhancement is only 49.83%. As a result, interation between substrates and ions has great effect on potocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film.
    2. By analyzing the change of internal structure between substrates and doping ions and spectra results, it was verified further that interaction between substrates and doping ions affects greatlyhave effect on potocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin film.
    (1) Interface structure and double electronic double layer structure of substrate and TiO2 thin film (doping metal ion), composite semiconductor produced by interaction between substrates and TiO2 thin film have great effect on potocatalytic
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