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     试验二研究采用电刺激法对公狼进行精液采集的程序,以建立适一套完善的适合狼精液采集及其精液品质特征检查的技术方案。本实验首先采用生殖激素对公狼进行生殖保健处理,随后分别用按摩法和电刺激法对其进行精液采集,并检查其精液品质特征。本实验进行了实体剖检,对两例狼的睾丸尺寸和体积进行测量,实验结果发现:1)采用丙酸睾丸酮+LRH-A3 +VE处理的生殖保健方案能大幅度改善公狼的生殖性能。经过生殖保健处理的公狼射精量和精子密度达到6.68±1.64ml和583.2±167.2×106个/毫升与未经激素处理的公狼4.24±1.26个/毫升和264.4±158.3×106个/毫升比差异极显著(P<0.01),精子活力和形态完整率分别达到84.3±3.22%和84.6±2.4%,与未经过生殖保健的公狼的79.2±4.43%和76.3±4.1%比差异显著(P<0.05);2)在犬上的实验表明:与按摩法采精比较,电刺激法获得的精液存在着混杂有少量尿液和附性腺液的缺陷,两种法采集的精液密度差异极显著(P<0.01),活力差异显著(P<0.05),形态完整率差异不显著(P>0.05);3)采用磷酸缓冲液+3%鲜卵黄做为稀释液,狼精子在15℃下可获得84.5±3h的保存时间。
The research was carried out to study electro-ejaculation on volves,and the semen characterization of them. This article main research a appropriate electro-ejaculation technology on wolf's application, as well as to wolf's seminal fluid characteristic appraisal. The goal is to establish a set of perfect wolf's electro-ejaculation and the seminal fluid characteristic appraisal technical program, can thus apply for this technology in the production practice provides the theory basis. Meanwhile for the aim of laying the foundation of the wild wolf's artificial propagation, domestication, hybrid uses and protection.
     Experiments one Trys to research and explorat a fine anaesthesia method which suits the wolf's electro-ejaculation, then to determine one kind of security and effective anesthetic which can use in the wolf's electro-ejaculation anaesthesia.This experiment uses Xylazine Hydrochloride and Xylaoli Hydrochlorld works the anaesthesia experiment which carries on to three variety altogether 15 example dogs and 7 example wolves. The result indicated that both the two kind of anaesthetic have their merit and flaw: Xylazine Hydrochloride's medication quantity is few, and it affects quickly, but its poisonous side effect is big, easy to create the excessively depth anaesthetize, Even may cause the animal breath to suppress (e.g. 14 wolves) to die, thus it is not the fine anaesthesia which suit the dog’s and the wolf’s electro-ejaculation anaesthetize. Xylaoli Hydrochlorld’s function is gentle, relative security, but it can only create a shallow anaesthesia,so it can be used in the dog’s electro-ejaculation anaesthetize, but it is not too suitable wolf's electro-ejaculation anaesthetize. Using Xylazine Hydrochloride +Xylaoli Hydrochlorld combined anesthesia means may get both's merit above, is the more ideal anaesthesia group side which can be used in the wolf and the dog’s electro-ejaculation.
     Experiments two Researchs the procedure that using the electricity stimulation method to carry on seminal fluid gathering to the male wolf, the goal is to establishe a set of perfect suitable wolf’s seminal fluid gathering and its seminal fluid quality and characteristic appraisal technical program. This experiment first uses the reproduction hormone to carry on reproductive health processing to the male wolf, afterward uses the massage means and the electricity stimulation means separately carries on seminal fluid gathering to them and makes the inspection to their seminal fluid quality characteristic, in addition, this experiment also split and examined two wolf's testicle carries on the survey to its size and the volume, discovered: 1. The health care plan by using TP +LRH-A3 +VE processing is able to improve the male wolf's reproduction performance large scale. The male wolf who have been proceesed by reproduction hormone ,their semination quantity and sperm density are 6.68±1.64ml and 583.2±167.2×106/ml separately ,contrstly ,the Semination quantity and sperm density of the wolf who have not been proceesed by reproduction are 4.24±1.26ml and 264.4±158.3×106/ml separately,the difference both are extremely remarkable(p<0.01); The former ,the sperm activity and the shape respectively percentage achieves 84.3±3.22% and 84.6±2.4% separately, the later the two Parameters are 79.2±4.43% and 76.3±4.1% separately ,the difference both are remarkable(p<0.05). 2. The experiment on dog indicated: compared with the massage means, the seminal fluid which gathered by electricity stimulation means exists such flaw as there is a few of urine and vice-germ cells fluid promiscuous in it. the seminal fluid density of the dog gathered by two different kind of means contrast heteropolar remarkable(p<0.01), and the sperm activity difference is remarkable(p<0.05), but the shape respectively percentage difference is not remarkable(p>0.05) .3. In the diluent which is composed by phosphoric acid buffer solution +3% fresh yolks ,and in the temperature of 15℃,the semen of wolf can obtain a 84.5±3 hour’s l ive.
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