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Text samples usually are represented by document-word co-occurrence tables, and most traditional clustering algorithms have no consideration of the nature relationship between samples and features, which are single dimension clustering to cluster samples or features independently. Most of them are hardly to reach the demand of real application, especially when meeting high dimension, sparse and noise data.
     Information theoretic co-clustering captures the nature relationship between rows and columns from mutual information aspect. It is simultaneously clustering rows and columns, and at all stages, the row cluster prototypes incorporate column clustering information, and vice versa, it has a high performance on clustering precision. But it also has some defects, for example, it has no consideration of the importance of features, and it is an unsupervised method in nature, the explanation of the clustering result is not so good and the precision may be improved when some prior knowledge are available, etc. In this thesis, we present two exploratory improvement methods based on Information Theoretic Co-clustering and other former researches, one is an unsupervised clustering method called Feature Weighting Information Theoretic Co-clustering (FWITCC), and the other is a semi-supervised clustering method called Information Topic-driven Theoretic Co-clustering for Text Dataset (TDITCC). We build a topic thesaurus repository as prior knowledge based on Wikipedia and Open Directory Project, which defines the hierarchy and description of each topic, and then use co-clustering methodology as a bridge to propagate the topic knowledge from topic repository to text dataset. Our general goal is to organize each document to its corresponding topic. The experimental analyses show that our methodology can produce high quality clustering results.
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