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The normal stress and static Coulomb's failure stress produced on the nodal plane of aftershocks of the main shock,for 15 aftershocks of the Luquan earthquake,are calculated,by using Okada's(1992) analytical expression of static strain field,caused by earthquake.Whether the normal stress and static Coulomb failure stress have the effect on triggering aftershocks is analyzed.The result shows that there is no obvious evidence that the variations of the normal stress and Coulomb's failure stress caused by main shock are good for occurrence of aftershocks.In addition,the difference of calculated results in Coulomb rupture model between using the which is as same as the main shock's and using focal mechanism of aftershocks from inversion is compared.The result using the focal mechanism of aftershocks from inversion is slightly better than that assuming that the aftershocks have the same focal mechanism as the main shock's.
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