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大石头- 宋三台断裂是一条穿过鞍山市区的隐伏构造,通过电法、人工浅层地震和地质雷达等综合地球物理探测和实地调查认为,该断裂从市区东南的腾家房身进入鞍山市,大体沿310°~320°方向延伸,经交通技校、铁西九道街、宋三台直至下辽河平原边缘。断裂在市区延伸长度约12-5km ,宽几十厘米至几十米,垂直断距几米至10 余米。该断裂结构复杂,产状多变,形态多样。时而表现为单条断裂,时而出现2 ~4 条相互平行的断裂组,其最新活动时代为中更新世,不是活动断裂。
The Dashitou-Songsantai fault as the constitutive part of the regional fault striking NW is a hidden structure across Anshan city. Through synthetic geological exploration and field investigation it is found that this fault with 310~320° strike comes into urban area from Tenjiafanshen village and extends about 12.5 km, via traffic school, Songsantai village to the edge of Xialiaohe plain. The fault is 12.5km long, several tens cm to several m wide and has vertical dislocation of several m to several tensum.It is characterized by complex structure, changeable dip and varied morphological change. Somewhere it is a single fault and otherwhere 2~4 secondary faults which are parallel each other. Its newest age of acitivity is middle Pleistocene. It is not an active fault.
邓起东.1982 . 中国的活动断裂. 见: 中国地震学会地震地质专业委员会编. 中国活动断裂. 北京: 地震出版社. 19 ~27 .
    丁国瑜.1982 . 中国内陆活动断裂基本特征的探讨. 见: 中国地震学会地震地质专业委员会编. 中国活动断裂. 北京: 地震出版社.1~9 .
    国家地震局.1996 . 中国地震烈度区划图(1990) 概论. 北京: 地震出版社.
    李起彤编著.1991 . 活断层及其工程评价. 北京: 地震出版社.
    中华人民共和国城市建设环境保护部.1985 . 标准. 城市勘察物探规范(CJJ- 85) . 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社.

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