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The randomness of earthquakes sources has been investigated in order to elucidatetheir universal nature as a complex system. The long-tail behavior characterized bythe power law has been pointed out in regional and world-wide seismicities,aftershocks of large earthquakes, and local earthquake swarms. Although earthquakesoccur more or less at random, these long-tail behaviors could not be explained by asimple stochastic process. Since the strength of each earthquake is classified by theearthquake magnitude, a series of an earthquake activity can be selected by a particular value of an earthquake magnitude. Taking another magnitued value, we can deriveanother series of the earthquake activity. Many of these series of the earthquake activity form a cluster of all the earthquakes with different magnitudes. Each series can beregarded as a point process with the same size or energy, because of the narrowrang of magnitude values. The stochastic property among the different seriesof earthquakes is characterized by a stochastic scaling. The stochastic scaling specifiesa scaling relation of statistical moments among different random processes (series ofearthquakes) classified by energy levels of events (earthquake magnitudes). In order tounify statistical properties of local, regional, and global seismicities, a nonlinearscaling law is a new concept to characterize the hierarchy of the complex earthquakeactivity in a general manner.
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