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The seismism can reform the formed sediments and develop seismites in lacstrine basin, as well as induce surging wave, turbidity current and debris flow and then form seismic surge wave deposits and seismoturbidite rocks. Based on core observation and image logging analysis, the author points out for the first time that the clastic rocks harving hummocky cross-straitification and typical seismites (shattered rocks, seismic corrugated rocks and autoclastic breccia) coexist in the third member of Shahejie Formation of central uplift belt in Huimin depression, therefore they belong to the result of surge wave deposits. Many sedimentary structures develop in the seismic surge wave deposits of this area, such as hummocky cross-stratifyication(HCS) and swaley cross-stratifyication(SCS) convolute bedding, parallel bedding, massive bedding, ripple and scouring and truncated surface, etc. According to the sedimentary characteristics and distribution,the seismic surge wave deposits are classified into two types, that is, the stirring type seismic surge wave deposits with mud gravel having plastic feature near the surge base and the undertow type seismic surge wave deposits between surge wave base and normal wave base. Vertically, the seismic surge wave deposits are usually above seismite and under seismoturbidite rocks. They compose a integrated sequence of seismite-seismic surge wave deposits-seismoturbidite rock or a sequence of seismite-seismic surge wave deposits. The discovery and research of seismic surge wave deposits caused by seismism can provide geologists with one of correlation standards for identifying the seismic event deposition of lacstrine basin.
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