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The destruction of North China Craton(NCC)plays an important role in understanding the continent′s formation and evolution.Long-range deep seismic sounding profile is a valid method in studying on NCC′s tectonic evolution since it can give more accurate information of the lithospherestructure and thickness.In fact,most research results of structure deeper than crust are based on earthquake data due to economic and technological factors and hardly on artificial sources data.The structure reconstruction of crust and lower lithosphere beneath east section of Wendeng-Alxa Zuoqi has been performed from a long-range seismic wideangle-reflection/refraction data in order to provide seismic evidence for the destruction of NCC.We identified several crust and lower lithosphere phases on the long-range wide-angle-reflection/refraction seismic record sections.Then the velocity structure of crust and lower lithosphere has been reconstructed by use of the method of two-dimensional inversion and forward calculation of travel times alternatively.The destruction mechanism and process of NCC have been discussed according to the structure of crust and lower lithosphere obtained in this work taking into account of the previous research results.Four seismic phases are identified and defined as follows:the first arrive,Pg,is a diving wave penetrating into the sedimentary or the crystalline upper crust,the phases of P1 P and PcP are reflections from intracrustal layers,PmP is a strong wide angle reflection from the Moho or refraction from the lower crust.The other 3phases beneath the Moho are identified,Pn,PL1,PLP,of which PL1 and PLP are refraction and reflection phases from lower lithosphere.The results show the basement depth of North China Rift Basin is 6km,the depths of C1 and C2interfaces within the crust are~15km and~25km respectively and the average depth of Moho is~35km.The upper crustal velocity is 6.0~6.1km·s-1 characterized by larger lateral variations,the middle crust is relatively uniform with the velocity 6.2~6.4km·s-1 and the velocity of lower crust is 6.5~7.0km·s-1 with a vertical larger velocity gradient.The average crust velocity is associated with the uplift or depression tectonics.The lithosphere bottom is generally 75~80km in depth and it increases to~90km at the western end near to Taihang uplift region,and the crust also thickens westwards.The velocity of upper part of lower lithosphere is8.0~8.2km·s-1 showing distinct positive gradient feature while lithosphere average velocity around Tan-Lu fault zone is observably lower.The different complexity of PmP and PLP phase means a more complex structure of Moho and lithosphere bottom which probably has a certain thickness or behave as a transitional zone.The thickness of lithosphere is 75~80km in the research area which is consistent with the results from receiver function.The results of the 2Dvelocity structure model,relatively lower avereage velocity of lithosphere around Tan-Lu fault zone and complicated transition zone structures between crust and mantle and between lithosphere and asthenosphere obtained by this work,support the conclusion that the process of destruction of NCC is complicated and gradual,and a tectonic weak belt of lithospheres′mantle occurs near the Tan-Lu fault zone.
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