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吴如山 ,金胜汶 ,谢小碧 .广义屏传播算子及其在地震波偏移成像方面的应用 .石油地球物理勘探 ,2 0 0 1,36 (6 ) :6 5 5~ 6 6 4  广义屏传播算子 (Generalized Screen Propagator或 GSP)是一种在双域 (dual- domain)中实现的广角单程传播算子。这一方法略去了在非均匀体之间发生的交混回响 ,但是它可以正确处理包括聚焦、衍射、折射和干涉在内的各种多次前向散射现象。由于新近在这一领域中的发展 ,这种双域方法能够在强速度反差的介质中比较精确地计算大角度波的传播 ,由此我们能够在复杂地质结构中经济有效地获得高分辨图像。本文首先对在复杂结构中使用传统的 Kirchhoff方法和时—空域中的有限差分方法偏移成像的优越性和局限性进行分析 ;然后对广义屏传播算子的发展、基本原理、计算方法及其基本特性等进行介绍。在详细介绍两种广义屏传播算子 (即混合拟屏方法和广义的 Padè屏方法 )的同时 ,给出了几个二维和三维偏移成像的实例。
Generalized screen propagators (GSP) can be considered to be super-wide-angle one-way propagators with implementation in dual domains,which neglect reverberations between heterogeneities but correctly handle the forward multiple-scattering,including focusing/defocusing,diffraction,refraction and interference of waves.Due to the recent progress in the domain,new versions of dual-domain methods can calculate propagating of large-angle waves quite accurately in strong velocity contrast media,resulting in superior image quality (high resolution/high fidelity)economically and efficiently for complex geological regions. In the article,advantages and limitations of the traditional Kirchhoff migration and time-space domain finite difference migration when applied to 3-D complicated structures,are first analyzed.Then a brief history,principle and methodology,features and applications of GSP are given.Two versions of GSP,i.e.the hybrid pseido-screen pseudo-screen propagator and the wide-angle Padé-screen propagator are presented.Some examples of 2-D and 3-D migration imaging and modeling using GSP method are given.
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