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The study of the physical and chemical properties of Earth's materials using experiments that simulate high-pressure and high-temperature conditions is an important method to elucidate the seismic wave data and to understand the structure and the dynamic processes in the deep Earth.A sample in the diamond anvil cell (DAC) is heated by the powered infrared laser beam to simulate the extreme conditions of high pressure and high temperature similar to those in the mantle, and even the core of the Earth. Thus it is possible to study phase transformations, melting curves and equation of state of minerals of the Earth's interior. The improvement of synchrotron X-ray micro-beam technique creates the field of application for the laser-heated diamond anvil cell, and have made important progress in the research on minerals that exist in the Earth's mantle and core. This paper introduces the developments of the laser-heated diamond anvil cell technique and the in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction method under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. We illustrate the applications of laser-heated DAC technique to the research on the Earth's interior materials, and discuss key technical problems.
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