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Gravity anomaly data show that the Xiqiu tectonic belt in the southern margin of the Kuqa depression has developed as a basement uplift tectonic belt.The seismic data confirms the formation structure of the Xiqiu tectonic belt,and analyzes the processes of the formation and evolution of the ancient uplift.There are a regional basement-involved faults in the south edge of the Xiqiu tectonic belt,with obvious thinning of Paleozoic and Mesozoic thickness.The Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata have missed in the north edge of the faults,the whole ancient uplift performanced for faulted anticline structure.Combined with the regional tectonic evolution analysis,the edge of the Tarim Cratonic Basin has uplifted in Devonian and Carboniferous,the tectonic evolution process has been affected by the south of the Tianshan loading to form cratonic edge sag in Permian-Triassic.The Xiqiu tectonicbelt underwent tilting of crustal elevation and subsidence movement,has developed ancient uplift and high angle of basement-involved faults.The late transpressional stress field south of the Tianshan uplift due to oblique extrusion resulted in fault reactivation in the south of ancient uplift boundary,activities of the basement-involved faults resulted in the thrusting and uplifting under the Cenozoic strata.
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