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"5.12"汶川地震造成了四川、重庆、甘肃、陕西等省的650多万间房屋倒塌,2 300多万间房屋损坏.笔者参加住房和城乡建设部灾区应急评估组赴绵竹进行灾后房屋应急评估,对绵竹市城区和绵远、齐天、汉旺等乡镇建(构)筑物震害进行了分析调查.根据评估小组的调查资料和笔者对绵竹典型建筑物震害的调查分析,绵竹乡镇一级建筑物存在设计和建筑缺陷:(1)未按规范设置圈梁、构造柱;(2)普遍采用预制空心楼板;(3)相当部分沿街住宅采用所谓"混合底框结构";(4)施工质量差.这些问题是造成乡镇一级建筑物震害严重的主要因素.针对绵竹震害调查分析,就当前经济、技术水平下我国乡镇建筑的建设和当前技术条件下的防震措施进行重点讨论和思考,对我国抗震防灾提出了一些粗浅认识.
Following the occurrence of Wenchuan Earthquake,the authors of this paper participated in the earthquake emergeney assessment organized by the Ministry of Housing and urban and Rural Construction and carried out a series of inrestigations on the seismic damage the earthquake brought about to some of the typical buildings in Mianzhu City and some of its surrounding towns like Mianyuan,Qitian and Hanwang.As a result of our investigation and analysis,most of the buildings there were found to have some shortcomings that can be summarized as the following:(1)Grid and column were not constructed according to the stardard;(2)Prefabricated hollow floor were adopted;(3)The so-called mixed underframe structure were applied for most of the houses in city and in town;(4)Poor quality was seen with most of the buildings.These are the main factors that may help explain why very serere damages fell on these buildings in the earthquake.Based on the investigation and analysis,the authours have come up with some contemplations as well as recommendations which may be helpful in preventing disasters and reducing damages under the present economical and technical conditions in our country.
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