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帕米尔东北缘乌泊尔地区是正确认识帕米尔北缘盆山结构和构造变形特征非常关键的地区,本文利用连续电磁剖面(CEMP)资料和地震资料,并结合野外地质调查资料和钻井资料,对帕米尔东北缘乌泊尔地区的盆山结构和构造变形特征进行了研究。认为帕米尔东北缘及其以北地区的盆山结构表现为帕米尔造山带向北冲断和南天山向南冲断所形成的对冲结构;帕米尔山前为基底卷入式构造,古生界—中生界沿高角度的逆冲断层推覆到新近系和第四系之上,形成山前的古生界—中生界逆冲推覆带;北侧由受乌泊尔断裂控制的深部隐伏冲断体系和浅部的第四纪背驮盆地所构成。研究区的新生代构造变形时间开始于上新世晚期,并持续变形至今,形成了下更新统西域组(Q_1x)与下伏上新统、Q_2与Q_1和Q_(3-4)与Q_2之间的不整合。研究区最小构造缩短量为48.6 km,缩短率为48.1%。
Wupoer area is the key area to know the deformation of northeastern Pamir and the basin-range coupling structure between northeastern Pamir tectonic belt and Tarim Basin.Combing with geological survey data and borehole drilling data,this paper studies the deformation and basin-range coupling structure systemically using CEMP and seismic profile data.This paper thinks that the basin-range coupling structure is opposite thrusting structure which is northward thrusting in Pamir tectonic belt and is southward thrusting in southern Tienshan tectonic belt. In front of Pamir tectonic belt there is basement involvement thrust belt which Paleozoic and Mesozoic sequence thrust onto Neogene and Quaternary sequence.In the north,there is a blind thrust system in lower part and Quaternary piggy-back basin in upper part controlled by the Wupoer thrust fault.The Cenozoic deformation of northeastern Pamir tectonic belt began at late Pliocene and lasted to present and caused the formation of unconformities between Xiyu formation of early Pleistocene (Q_1x) and Neogene,middle Pleistocene and early Pleistocene, upper Pleistocene and middle Pleistocene.The deformation minimum shorting quantity and minimum shorting ratio are 48.6 km and 48.1% .
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