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The principal goal of our study is the morphometrics of channel system in Laizhouwan Depression.First,a selection of 11 geometric attributes were computed from high quality 3D seismic volume to highlight the fluvial features,and then extracted at each horizon of interest.Next,PCA were applied to these 11 geometric horizon attributes to yield the principal components.The first three components were mapped to Red,Green and Blue channels of a high-resolution image.Finally,75 set of morphometric variables were measured in four phases of meandering channels by the geomorphology approach.Meanwhile,the relationship among channel width,meander-belt width,meander length,meander-arc height and sinuosity were analyzed.These analyses suggested three points.①The PCA-RGB blending of 11 geometric horizon attributes is more indicative on the channel outline variability than a single amplitude horizon slice.②In lower Minghuazhen formation,Laizhouwan Depression,the amount of channels increased as the channel systems age,the channel width ranges from 100m to 300m,the number of single meander is much more than multiple meanders and the channel sinuosity mainly ranges from 1.1 to 1.8,which reveal relatively weak lateral erosion in the channel system.③The cross-plot of five geometric measures appear to be consistently power function or linear in both sedimentary channels and modern rivers.These results provide further confidence to predict the reservoir characteristics and build the reservoir modeling in Bohai Bay Basin,China.
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