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The fault system in the NW margin of the Junggar Basin,western China,affords an exceptional opportunity to document structural features of a major strike-slip fault using two-and three-dimensional seismic reflection and magnetotelluric(MT) data.The fault zone displayed vertical strike-slip faults and positive flower structures,in which three structural units,the Zaire-Halaalat uplifted belt(Dalabute strike-slip fault),the Keramay-Xiazijie fault block folded belt,and the Mahu Lake slope belt were identified in the NW margin of the Junggar Basin.The right lateral strike-slip deformation occurs commonly in this margin,thus vertical strike-slip faults and en echelon brachy plunging anticlines(nose-like structure) are well-developed in the Zaire-Haraalat uplifted belt close to the Dalabute strike-slip fault,while thrust-nappe faults and linear folds are seldom seen.Devonian to Upper Carboniferous volcanic,volcaniclastic and flysch rocks crop out along the belt.The Keramay-Xiazijie fault-block folded belt consists of slip faults and en echelon folds.The stepping pattern and orientation of en echelon structures indicated a right-lateral sense about N20—40E azimuth of slip in the west part and W-E azimuth of slip in the east part of the Keramay-Xiazijie belt.Fault segments with a clockwise orientation were characterized by convergent structures.The Carboniferous,Permian and Triassic had folded and formed unconformity by Jurassic and Cretaceous,indicating a deformation developed in Late Permian to Triassic.The exposed Dalabute fault was reactivated in Cenozoic,which was affected by the long-distance compression of the Cenozoic India-Asia collision.The NW margin of the Junggar Basin was not apparently deformed in Cenozoic and three different types of potential hydrocarbon traps were formed in the NW margin of the Junggar Basin,they are drape unconformity lithologic traps in the uplifted belt,anticlinal fault-block traps in the Keramay-Xiazijie fault block folded belt and unconformity-controlled lithologic traps in the Mahu Lake slope belt.
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