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Schumann resonances(SR) are a set of frequencies of electromagnetic(EM) waves in the natural cavity formed by the earth′s surface and its ionosphere,in the extremely low frequency(ELF) range,caused by natural electrical activity of the earth and its atmospheric environment.Because of the resonance interaction,EM energy of SR is stronger than the other frequencies′.In recent years,studies have found that earthquakes would disturb the stable parameters and spectra of SR,so using SR anomaly to implement earthquake monitoring is effective.However,finding out the EM field background variation is the basis of distinguishing the seismic EM anomaly.In this paper,utilizing ELF electromagnetic monitoring stations′ natural electromagnetic field data,we processed and analyzed electromagnetic field components′ power spectrum curve of SR frequencies,and obtained Schumann resonance background change with season and latitude.Comparing SR′ electromagnetic field curves of one station,we can see electromagnetic field intensity changes with seasons obviously.This is weaker in winter and stronger in summer,and the amplitude of sinusoidal variation differs by two orders of magnitude.Comparing the same frequency′s graphs of different stations,it is observed that electromagnetic field intensity is enhancing with the decreasing of the latitude.The background variation study will provide physical basis for distinguishing the earthquake electromagnetic animaly.
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