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裴文中教授是我国地质学界前辈中最富传奇色彩的杰出科学家之一 ,因发现周口店“北京人”而享誉科学界。他的聪明才智和对科学的执着追求 ,终于把伟大的科学发现带给了科学界和广大民众。他的业绩和关心贫苦的精神深深影响了他的同事和学生也影响了同时代的中国地质学家。为纪念这位伟大的第四纪地质学家、古脊椎动物学家和史前考古学家逝世 2 0周年 ,作者怀着无限崇敬的心情 ,通过日常接触和交往中的一些小故事 ,介绍了裴文中教授的人格魅力 ,他留下的这些精神财富无疑是对我们为社会和科学事业做出更多贡献的巨大推动力。在这篇纪念短文中 ,作者希望大家从裴文中教授之所以在其科学生涯中取得成就 ,和在中国地质学界受敬仰的点点滴滴中得到启示。
Professor Pei Wenzhong (1904~1982) was a well known and legendary scholar for the past generation in Chinese geological community and was glorified with the discovery of "Peking man" from Zhoukoudian. His extraordinary diligence in his academic career, the enthusiastic attitude towards propagation of scientific findings to public audience, and his passion and love to the people deeply impressed his students, colleagues and even whole the geological society of his time in China. In memory of this great scholar in Quaternary geology, vertebrate paleontology and prehistoric archaeology at the 20 th anniversary of his death, the author holds full respect and depicts his great personalities through some pieces of stories in his life and mutual contact with the author. These are indeed of spiritual wealth he left for us to make greater contributions to modern society and science. From this memorial address, the author hopes that the readers will find help for a better understanding of the great scholar Professor Pei Wenzhong how he became successful in his academic career and won broad respect from Chinese geological society.$$$$
1 张森水.重版缘起和锁记.见:裴文中.周口店洞穴层采掘记.北京:地震出版社,2001.49~53
    2 裴文中.甘肃史前考古报告.见:安志敏编.裴文中史前考古学论文集.北京:文物出版社,1987.208~255
    3 裴文中.关于考古和第四纪地质工作上的一些新方法.中国科学院古脊椎动物研究室丙种专刊,1955,第6号:1~41
    4 张森水.裴文中(1904~1982).见:中国科学技术协会编.中国科学技术专家传略.理学编·地学卷1.石家庄:河北教育出版社,1996.430~443
    5 裴文中.戎马声中.中国社会科学院文学研究所现代文学研究室编.中国现代短篇小说选(第2卷).北京:人民文学出版社,1980.132~148

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