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通过对16 个板内逆断层地震的基本类型、构造环境、地震地表破裂尺度、几何形态、运动学特征及余震分布图像的研究分析,较系统地归纳了板内逆断层地震破裂的基本特征及分段标志.研究表明:(1) 逆断层破裂往往沿走向延伸较短,常表现为二维面状分布形态;(2) 地震断层未出露地表或仅有部分出露地表;(3) 逆断层地震破裂较走滑断层和正断层产生的地震破裂更为复杂,不仅表现在构成整体破裂带的各个单条破裂的力学性质差异方面,而且表现在几何结构方面.
The basic characteristics of earthquake rupture of intraplate reverse fault and sign of its segmentation have been discussed in detail based on the type and size of surface rupture,tectonic environment, geometric form,kinematics character,as well as the aftershock distribution patterns for 16 intraplate earthquakes produced by reverse fault in the world wide.The result shows that earthquake ruptures of reverse fault are different from that of strike slip fault and normal fault.The rupture size along the strike for reverse fault is much more short,and the rupture pattern often has a two dimensional plane distribution.The seismic fault does not show on the ground or only part of seismic fault shows on the ground.The earthquake ruptures of reverse fault are still complexer than that of the strike slip fault and normal fault in the mechanics character of an individual fracture and the geometric structure.
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