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位于阿尔及利亚OUED MYA盆地东北部TKT—NGS区的油田为构造—岩性油气藏,主要目的层Si油层为辫状河沉积,砂体厚度薄、横向非均质性强。本文针对该区的地质结构特点,应用多子波分解与重构技术描述了该区油层分布,预测了油藏的含油范围。总结出应用多子波分解与重构技术进行油层解释的步骤为:①对地震数据进行多子波地震道分解;②筛选合成更有利于直接油层解释的新的地震道集;③计算地震波频率衰减系数道集;④提取地震分量,并根据钻井获得的油层资料,筛选出对直接油层解释更有效的地震分量。应用结果表明,该技术用于油层解释的效果较好。
The oilfield in TKT-NGS area of northeast OUED MYA basin in Algeria is a structure-lithology reservoir and the main target zone Si is featured a braided river deposition with thin sand layer and strong lateral heterogeneity.Faced with the characteristic of geology and structure in this area,the multi-wavelet decomposition and reconstruction technique was applied to describe the distribution of reservoirs and predict the oil-bearing range of reservoir.The interpretation steps by the technique were summarized below:(1) conducting multi-wavelet seismic trace decomposition for the seismic data,(2) screening and synthesizing the new seismic data which is more favorable for direct reservoir interpretation,(3) calculating seismic wave frequency attenuation coefficient gathers and(4) extracting the seismic components and screening the new component that is more effective for the direct reservoir interpretation in accordance with the reservoir data obtained from the drilling.The application result showed the better effectiveness of the technique in reservoir interpretation.
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