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应用形态法、差分法对新疆库尔勒台 1990~ 1996年地倾斜资料做了系统的分析处理 ,对 2 5 0 km范围内的 Ms≥ 5 .0级的 5次地震的异常特征进行了分析总结。结果表明 :地震前差分曲线表现为超出 2 .0倍均方差限 ,单分量曲线和矢量轨迹曲线出现破年变或年变消失。因此用形态法和差分法就可以判断资料是否存在前兆异常 ,根据资料异常的方向性并结合异常的不同特点可用来预估危险地点。
The authors have systimatically analysed the ground tilt data during 1990~1996 in Ku’erle station in Xinjiang by using the shape and difference methods ,and analysed the anomalous characteristics of five earthquakes (Ms≥5.0) in 250km region. The results are: difference curves are beyoned 2.0 multiple meansquare deviation before the earthquake; single component and vector curves are broken annual variation or without annual variation. They have determined whether the data are precursory anomaly by using the shape and differnce methods, and predicted the risk area according to the data anomalous directions and anomalous characteristics.
〔1〕 杨志荣 .新疆乌什 6.4级地震形变异常特征〔J〕.地壳形变与地震 ,1 990 ,1 0 (1 ) .
    〔2〕 徐道尊 .新疆地倾斜异常与地震预报〔J〕.高原地震 ,1 996,8(4) ,55~ 62 .
    〔3〕 国家地震局科技监测司编 .地震形变前兆特征的识别与研究〔M〕.北京 :地震出版社 ,1 994,1 4~1 9.

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