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The Amurian microplate can be discriminated from the Eurasian plate.We thus set up a 6-plate system including Pacific, North American, Eurasian,Philippine Sea, Okhotsk and Amurian plates. By means of the earthquake slip vectors,transform fault azimuths, spreading rates and the latest GPS data, we get the Eulervectors describing motions of this 6-plate system by using the Monte-Carlo Boxmethod. Some Euler vectors obtained in this study are: AM-EU (60.42°N, 123.25°E,0.025°/ Ma), AM--OK (53.20°N, 141.95°E, 0. 476°/ Ma), and AM-PH (50.84°N,158.13°E, 1.204°/ Ma). The AM-EU pole is located to northeast of the Baikal Riftand to the northwest of the Stanovoy Range. The results of this study imply that theBaikal Rift is extending at a rate of 0.4-0.7mm / a, which are consistent with thegeologically estimated rates. The AM-OK and AM-PH Euler vectors show 6-15mm/a of convergence rate in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea and 51-66mm/ a ofconvergence rate along the Nankai Trough, respectively, which are not consistent withthe latest observed GPS data. An independent South China microplate or othermicroplates, which are discriminated from the Eurasian plate, are accordingly helpfulin describing the current plate motions of the Northeastern Asia.
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