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概述了岩石超塑性变形机制、显微构造特征、影响因素及其动力学意义。岩石超塑性是一种重要的岩石变形现象 ,是岩石在高温条件下发生极大应变量 (>10 0 0 % )的拉伸变形而不出现断裂的现象。岩石超塑性广泛分布于从上地壳到下地幔的各类岩石之中。根据变形产生因素的不同 ,岩石超塑性可分为结构超塑性和相变超塑性。岩石超塑性不是一种简单的变形机制 ,它与扩散蠕变和位错蠕变密切相关 ,是受扩散调节的晶粒边界滑移和位错蠕变共同竞争的结果。岩石超塑性的研究对解释糜棱岩的形成机制、下地壳莫霍面深地震反射体的成因、上地幔流变弱化以及深源地震的产生和突然消失具有重要的动力学意义。
This paper mainly reviews deformation mechanism of superplasticity,microstructural aspects and its dynamic implications. Superplasticity of rocks, an important kind of rock deformation,refers to the phenomenon of some rocks exhibiting an unusual large tensile deformation without necking failure( ε > 1 000% ).According to deformative factors,it can be divided into structural superplasticity and transformational superplasticity.While superplasticity is not a simple deformation mechanism, but rather a deformation phenomenon.It is closely related with diffusion creep and dislocation creep,and it is the result of the competition of diffusion accommodated grain boundary sliding and dislocation creep.Study on superplastic deformation of rocks has significant implications for formative mechanism of mylonites, origin of deep seismic reflector near the Moho of the lower crust, rheological weakening of upper mantle, and occurrence and abrupt stop of deep earthquakes.
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