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The alluvial processes in the piedmont may be controlled by tectonics,climate fluctuations and base level of erosion,etc.To distinguish the contributions of each factors is a hot field in fluvial geomorphology.The north piedmont of Wutai Mountain in Shanxi graben is an ideal area for this kind of study.The piedmont fault is very active with a slip rate of no less than 1mm/a in Late Quaternary.This semiarid region experienced significant climatic fluctuations in Quaternary time which is indicated by striking contrast in colors between loess and paleosoils in loess strata. The stratigraphic sequence of alluvial fans in Late Pleistocene and Holocene is established through field surveying and trenching.Ages of the strata have been well constrained by the method of radiocarbon dating.It is discovered that the alluvial processes in front of the mountain were strong and weak alternately.The strong periods were from 32kaB.P.to 29kaB.P.,from 7.5kaB.P.to 4.7kaB.P.,and since 1.0kaB.P.,when coarse-grained sediments deposited and the sediment rate is relatively high.The other times are weak periods when fine-grained sediments deposited and the sediment rate is much lower.The three strong periods correspond either with the transform stages from warm to cool climates,or with the intense fluctuation stage after the maximum of warm climate.These three periods share a common feature of intense fluctuations of weather whose amplitudes are larger than other periods.According to former studies on Holocene paleoearthquakes about Wutai Mountain piedmont fault,two events happened in strong periods of alluvial processes,one event in weak period.Strong earthquakes may lead to landslides and rock-falls in mountain area,which increment the clastic provenance and contribute to alluvial processes,but the limited information of paleoearthquakes cannot support a salient effect of big earthquakes on alluvial processes in front of mountain. As our preliminary view,fault slips provided the space for deposition and slope of river bed,and climatic changes controlled the alternations of strong or weak alluvial processes.In the strongest fluctuations stage of climates,the vegetation degraded,physical weathering strengthened and storms easily led to flood,which contributed to erosions in mountain area and diluvium in front of mountain.This research deepen our understanding on the influencing factors of alluvial processes in semiarid area.
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