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In tectonic studies,the Longmen Mountains fault zone is also called the Longmen Mountains fold-thrust zone or nappe structure.Many researchers suggested that the 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8 earthquake was generated by the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault which is the central branch of the Longmen Mountains fault zone.Based on analysis of tectonic evolution and structural features in shallow subsurface of this fault zone,we did a new study of the relationship between the fault zone and the Ms 8 quake,and proposed a different view on this issue.Geological data indicate that the Longmen Mountains fault zone had undergone three evolution stages with varied dynamic conditions,they were the foreland fold-thrust of Songpan-Ganzi orogenic belt(T3-J),the orogene(K-E) and the uplift at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau(N-Q).During the first and second stages,the fault zone developed in a progressive manner.And in the third stage,the fault zone was strongly reformed to the current shape.Now the Longmen Mountains fault zone lies in the upper crust of the Songpan-Ganzi Block and overthrusts onto the Yangtze Block in the east,where the ductile middle and lower crust as well as lithospheric mantle were thickened and plunged beneath the Yangtze Block,forming a structural style of a crocodile mouth biting the Yangtze Block in view on the vertical profile.Although the epicenters of the main shock and aftershocks of the Wenchuan Ms 8 event were distributed along the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault,its entire source body comprising these ruptures was located in the Yangtze Block below the Longmen Mountains.Such an inconsistency suggested that the causative structure of the Ms 8 quake was not the Longmen Mountains fault zone,and instead,it should be a high-angle fault in the crust of the Yangtze Block.As the Songpan-Ganzi Block moved towards southeast and its frontal crocodile-mouth-shaped structure bit the Yangtze Block,the latter was cut off to generate a new high-angle fault along which the right-lateral and thrust movement occurred,causing the Wenchuan Ms 8 event in 2008.
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