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The PS-(F+C) slurry is prepared by mixing PS(Potassium Silicate in optimum modulus) as binding ingredient,fly ash(F) generated from thermal power plant and pulverized native raw soil(C) at the ancient city of Jiaohe as filling substance,and sodium fluosilicate as treatment agent,its initial setting time is obtained and the shrinkage behavior of its concretion is monitored.The uniaxial compressive strength of PS-(F+C) grouting material is tested at different ages and the influencing factors for its strength.Treatment temperature,amount of sodium fluosilicate,modulus of PS,concentration of PS and water-ash ratio are also discussed.Furthermore,the durability experiment including its resistance to water,to cyclic freezing-thawing,to saline crystallization in porous PS-(F+C) grouts and to aqueous alkali is carried out.It is shown that the slurry of PS-(F+C) with good workability is more compatible with the soil mass at the ancient city of Jiaohe because of adding native raw soil in a half weight of fly ash,and it shrinks less for the spherical bulking material of fly ash.Its treatment process is moderate and controllable,the linear shrinkage of its concretion with a PS to filling material ratio by weight of 0.60 is about 2.6%,the long-term strength is overwhelmingly determined by PS concentration,and its durability is pretty good.High ambient temperature is a positive impact factor that enhances the strength of air hardening PS-(F+C) grouts in its treatment process,so that it is a proper decision to execute the grouting practice in hot summer.Such slurry will be used in grouting reinforcement of fractured soil mass at the ancient city of Jiaohe to prevent further erosion by running water through fractures.
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