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In northern Sichuan Basin,it is divided into upper and lower structural layer by large set of gypsum of Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation 4~(th) ~ 5~(th) section.At the upper structural layer,gypsum is the main decollement.And faults of upper and lower structural layers terminate in the gypsum.In eastern,tectonic movement is most intense,faults are very developmental.In the central region,faults are relative developmental in the upper structural layer and non developmental in the lower layer.The western part have minimal impact of tectonic movement with non developmental faults.There are some main fault styles,such as the "Y" or anti-"Y" combination,branching,parallel and ramp faults.Triassic developed NE-SW trending faults in Pingchang-Dazhou-Xuanhan area,NW-SE trending faults in the east area to Tongjiang,irregular trending faults in Pingchang-Longgang area in where it suffered complicated forces,N-S trending faults in Yuanba area,and gradually non developmental fault in the western part.The region can be divided into seven major tectonic belt.Micang-Mountain front folded belt contains Jiulong-Mountain anticline in western and Tongnanba structure in eastern.Northern Sichuan depression just have a small amount of faults in the upper layer.Northern Sichuan gentle belt have a large number of small and medium-sized faults in the upper layer.Eastern Sichuan highsteep structure deforms strongly,upper layer mainly developed drape anticlines and steep anticlines,and lower layer developed faulted anticline with fault grabens and fault horsts.The faults' development of lower structural layer began in the early Indosinian Movement,its activity has been further strengthened in the Mid-Late Indosinian.And the faults' development of the upper layer began in the Mid-Late Indosinian,the movement brought overall uplift of the northern basin and the erosion of the top of Leikoupo Formation.In the Yan-Mountain Movement,faults of the upper and lower structural layer has been further developed,which resulting in the piedmont fold belt squeeze deformation strongly.Then,the tectonic framework has been shaped basically.Himalayan Movement has a superimposed and reformed influence on the tectonic in the study area.
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