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从江苏省数字地震台网中选取16个宽频带台站的记录资料(震中距范围约为280~380km),利用滑动窗互相关叠加技术提取出sPn震相,并通过sPn与Pn的到时差准确地测定出2012年7月20日江苏高邮、宝应交界M4.9地震的震源深度为9.4km,总的误差小于1.2km。为了验证计算结果,采用与震相走时无关的时域矩张量反演方法(Time-Domain Moment Tensor Inverse),通过反演不同震源深度(5~25km)模型下的矩张量解来进行逆向佐证。结果显示:在震源深度为9、10km时,反演结果的相关系数达到最大,分别约为0.93、0.92,表明9~10km是此次地震的最佳震源深度范围。另外,利用波形互相关的双差定位法得到的震源深度为10.2km,两者相差仅为0.8km
In this paper,the authors select 16 broadband stations recorded data from digital seismic network in Jiangsu Province,in which the epicentral distance ranges about 280~380 km.Then using the sliding window cross-correlation overlay technique to extract sPn phase,the focal depth of Gaoyou-Baoying M4.9 earthquake on July 20,2012 by sPn-Pn,is exactly determined to be 9.4 km,the total error range less than 1.2 km.In addition,in order to validate the calculation results,we used time-domain moment tensor inverse method,which has not arrival time of phases.By inversion of the different focal depth(5~25 km) models of the moment tensor solution,we find that when focal depth is 9,10 km,the inversion results of the correlation coefficient reaches the maximum,i.e.about 0.93,0.92.This indicates that 9~10 km is the best of focal depth range.Positioning result by the method of double-difference location with waveform cross-correlation is about 10.2 km.The difference is only 0.8 km.
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