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Objectives of structure elucidation,lithologic interpretation and carbonate high precision imaging,such as faults,salts,karst caves and fractures et al,usually act as complicate diffractions on seismic records.However,traditional seismic data processing and imaging always suppresses diffractions as interfering noise.And although migration converge the diffractive waves,they may be hidden in the reflection energy which is disadvantage to the subsequent interpretation because of the weak amplitude and quick energy attenuation of the diffractions.According to the difference between reflection and diffraction on the plane wave record,we use plane wave destruction filtering to obtain pseudo-hyperbolic diffraction whose curvature is large by suppressing laterally continuous pseudo-linear reflection,which aims to enhance the imaging resolution of heterogenous diffracting objectives.The fault-through model and 2D SEG/EAGE salt model tests demonstrate that this method can effectively improve the imaging quality of heterogenous structures.And it can enhance the interpretive precision together with conventional interpretation.
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