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地球内部流体的存在和岩石各向异性是地下介质的两大表征 ,考虑地下流体和介质各向异性问题的双相各向异性理论是当今地震学和地球物理学理论与应用研究的前沿和难题之一 .孔隙流体的存在、固体和流体之间的相互作用会弱化或硬化岩石的力学属性 ,从而引起声波或弹性波速度的频散和振幅的衰减 ,并产生第二类压缩波 .裂缝或裂隙的定向分布、岩层的旋徊性沉积、应力场的定向排列 ,都会引起传播速度的各向异性、横波发生分裂等重要现象 ,这些特性在石油地震勘探、地震预测、岩石物理、动力学研究以及优化人类生存发展等方面具有重要意义和应用前景 .为此 ,本文讨论了双相各向异性理论研究对于解决地球科学问题中的重要性与必然性 ,介绍了当今双相各向异性研究的发展和主要成果 ,重点论述当前双相介质理论发展中的最新成果— BISQ模型 ,并就双相各向异性理论的应用前景、存在问题及某些观点进行了总结 .
Both the presence of the fluids in the earth and anisotropy of rocks are two main characteristics underground media. Therefor, the two phase anisotropic theory, based on considering the underground fluids and the anisotropy of rocks, is one of frontier and difficulty problems in seismological and geophysical theories and their applications. Pore fluids and solid/fluid interaction can soften and harden the rock's matrix, result in the velocity dispersion and amplitude attenuation of the acoustic and elastic waves and cause the compressional wave of the second kind. Orientation of fractures or cracks, periodic sedimentary deposits of rock, and alignment of the stresses cause velocity anisotropy, shear wave splitting, et al. The properties have important significance and applied frontier on seismic oil exploration, earthquake prediction, rock physics, dynamics, and optimizing human living and developments. For that, we discuss the importance and necessity of the two phase anisotropic study for solving geo scientific problems, review the evolution of the two phase anisotropy study and the main achievements obtained, and introduce emphatically the present newest progress the BISQ model in the evolution of two phase theories. In the last, we prospect the applications of the two phase anisotropy theory, summarize some exist main problems, and make some suggestions about the study of the two phase anisotropy.
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