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The southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is an important area for the study of continental collisions between India and Eurasia plates,block interactions,and crust-mantle deformation mechanism.The study on the 3-D velocity structure of crust and mantle in the area helps us understand the formation mechanism and geodynamic process of the plateau.Although many seismological researches have been conducted in this region,high-resolution S-wave velocity structures are still in shortage due to the sparse distribution of seismic stations.Using dense seismic stations set up recently,high-resolution group velocity images of the crust and mantle inthis area are obtained with ambient noise tomography.The new results provide new insights for studying the mechanism of the crust-mantle coupling,deformations of the crust and mantle,and so on.We collected continuous waveform data recorded by 557 temporal and permanent stations in Chuan-Dian fragment region.After removing instrument responses,bandpass filtering,frequency-time normalization,cross-correlation and stacking,more than 50000 empirical Green′s functions were acquired.Furthermore,13972 Rayleigh wave fundamental mode dispersion curves of high signalto-noise ratio waveforms were measured with application of multiple filtering technique.To guarantee the validity of dispersion curves,we selected reliable dispersion curves according to the setting station-distance criteria and cluster analysis.At last,we determined group velocity structures of Rayleigh wave from periods of 6to 48 sin the study area with traditional surface wave tomography technique.From periods of 6to 20 s,group velocity in west and north of Sichuan basin is characterized as low velocity,while the central and southeast Sichuan basin is imaged as high velocity.From periods of 30 to 48s,the group velocity in Sichuan basin is obviously higher than that in the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding orogenic belts.In the meantime,the southwest part of the Sichuan basin is shown as relative low velocity.This phenomenon indicates the lateral variation of velocity structure in the lower crust and upper mantle.At 30 s,low group velocity is observed in Songpan-Ganzi fold belt,western Chuan-Dian fragment block and Xiaojiang fault zone.At Panzhihua and its surrounding area,a high-velocity anomaly exists at all periods.From 6sto24 s,this high-velocity anomaly is oriented in a nearly west-east direction,however between 30 s and 48 sin a northeast-southwest direction.Along with the growth of periods,the anomaly is concentrated to Panzhihua.At periods of 14 sand 20s,high group velocity anomaly exists at the south of Lijiang-Xiaojinhe Fault and the anomaly is parallel with the fault.Since 24 s,highvelocity anomaly shows up at the southeast of the study region and becomes larger with periods turning longer.At 30 s,the range of the high velocity anomaly is consistent with Nanpanjiang Basin.The S-wave velocity cross section reveals that the S-wave velocities of crust and upper mantle in the Nanpanjiang Basin are higher than those in other surrounding regions.High-resolution Rayleigh wave group velocity maps in the southeast of the Tibetan Plateau are obtained using ambient noise tomography based on intensive seismic observation data.Low velocities in Sichuan Basin at short periods reflect the sediments in the basin being younger than the surrounding blocks.In this basin,the different subsidence rate and sediments thickness since Jurassic result in the inhomegeneous distribution of low velocities.In the north and northwest of the basin,the sediments are thickest.For periods of 30 to 48 s,the low velocity in the northwestern margin of the Sichuan Basin may be related with high temperature in the lower crust and upper mantle.The high temperature decreases the mechanical strength of the crust in the southwestern basin,resulting in the crust deforming easier because of the pinching action of the Tibetan Plateau,and probably is the reason of Cenozoic folds,fault movements and crustal shortening in the brittle upper crust.High-velocity anomaly existing from the surface to upper mantle in Panzhihua and surrounding areas is probably caused by the intrusion of mafic-ultramafic magma in Emeishan magmatic activity.This high-velocity anomaly with strong medium strength impedes the material extrusion of Chuanxibei sub-block to some extent,bringing about the enormous difference of topography between the two sides of the Lijiang-Xiaojinhe Fault.The high group velocity anomaly in the southeast of the study area is consistent with the range of theNanpanjiang Basin.Having a higher S-wave velocity,the Nanpanjiang Basin has different deep structure comparing with other regions to the north of Nanpanjiang.Meanwhile,this high velocity anomaly may offer an impact of blocking the southeast extrusion of the plateau material.
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