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The Anqiu-Juxian Fault is a major branch fault and an active prominent fault of the Yishu Fault belt. The spatial distribution,geometric features and the latest activities of the Anqiu-Juxian Fault are studied by field survey and mapping in this study. The northern segment of the Anqiu-Juxian Fault between Juxian and Changyi can be divided into four segments,namely from north to south,the Changyi-Nanliu segment,the Anqiu-Mengtuan segment,the Qingfengling segment and the Mengyan segment. These segments are left-step en echelon arranged,and each of the fault segments consists of right-step en echelon arranged sub-segments. The Changyi-Nanliu segment is about 31 km long and composed of 4 sub-segments in right-step en-echelon arrangement,namely,Wenshan sub-segment,Zhuli sub-segment,Shuangguan-Meicun sub-segment and Nanliu sub-segment,from north to south.The length of these sub-segments is 5km,7km,10 km and 9km,respectively. The width of the stepover between them is about 2 ~ 3km. The Changyi-Nanliu segment generally strikes ~ 15°,and the fault plane dips both west and east with dip angle 70° ~ 80°. This segment offsets the widely distributed eolian yellow or orange fine sand and silt that were formed in the latest late Pleistocene,and it also offsets the mid-Holocene grey-yellow clay. The latest active age of the Changyi-Nanliu segment is the middle and late Holocene. This segment is characterized by right-lateral strike-slip motion with thrust and normal fault component,and the normal faulting activity is usually younger than the reverse faulting activity. The Anqiu-Mengtuan segment is about 50 km long and exposes ~21km. It strikes 15° ~ 20° with the major fault plane dipping NWW with dip angle 70° ~ 80°. This fault segment is characterized by right-lateral strike-slip motion with west-to-east thrust component.The segment can also be divided into two sub-segments,namely,the 13 km long Anqiu-Guangong sub-segment and the 8km long Anshang-Mengtuan sub-segment, as in right-step en echelon arrangement,with a stepover of about 3km in width. The youngest offset stratum along the AnqiuMengtuan segment is the late Pleistocene,so,its latest active age is the late Paleocene and early Holocene. The Qingfengling segment is about 32 km long, striking 15° ~ 20°, dipping mainly southeast and partly west with dip angles more than 60° generally. This segment is characterized by right-lateral strike-slip motion with minor thrust component. It is composed of 4 sub-segments,which are the Xiaodianzi-Henhushan sub-segment,Kushan-Chezhuang,Maobu and Wangtaizi sub-segment,respectively from north to south. The length of these sub-segments is 6km,8km,14 km and 4km,respectively. The former three sub-segments are aligned right-laterally. The Qingfengling segment offsets the upper late Pleistocene and the early Holocene strata; its latest active age is the early Holocene. The Mengyan segment exposes about 20 km,striking 20° and dipping northwest with dip angle ~ 70°. It is also characterized by right-lateral strike-slip motion with thrust component,and its latest active age is the early Holocene.The only historical earthquake that occurred on the north segment of the Anqiu-Juxian Fault between Juxian and Changyi is the 70 BC Anqiu M 7 earthquake. However, paleo-earthquake researches show that several strong earthquakes occurred along the Qingfengling segment and the Mengyan segment between the latest late Pleistocene to early Holocene. The time of the latest strong earthquake is ~ 3 500 a BP,2 084 a BP(-70BC),~ 10 000 a BP,~ 10 000 a BP on the ChangyiNanliu segment, Anqiu-Mengtan segment, Qingfengling segment, and Mengyan segment,respectively. Since the strong earthquake recurrence interval is still not known for each segment,the exact time for the next strong earthquake can't be predicted. However,according to the geometric features,latest active age,latest activity features,historic earthquake data and paleoearthquake documents of this active fault,the 4 segments do have seismotectonic conditions for generating M≥7earthquake,and the potential earthquake risk does exist and may be rather high and imperative.Thus,the fault activities and the potential earthquake hazard should be considered during future earthquake hazard prevention and prediction.
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