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Recent developments and attractive research areas in aseismic design of hydraulic structure are summarized upon reviewing papers published on journals abroad in the field of earthquake engineering.The main attentions are given to the performance-based design,determination of seismic parameters,pulse characters of near field strong ground motion,influence of duration of strong ground motion on structure damages,incremental dynamic analysis,dynamic stability of detached concrete dam,and responses of arch dams to non-uniformly distributed ground motion.
[1]Alves S W.System identification of a concrete arch dam and calibration of its finite element model[J].EarthquakeEngineering and Structural Dynamics,2006,35(15):1321-1337.
    [2]Alves S W.Generation of spatially nonuniform ground motion for nonlinear analysis of a concrete arch dam[J].Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,2006,35(11):1339-1357.
    [3]Amador T.Energy demands for seismic design against low-cycle fatigue[J].Earthquake Engineering and StructuralDynamics,2007,36(3):383-404.
    [4]Apostolou M,Gazetas G.Seismic response of slender rigid structures with foundation uplifting[J].Soil Dynamics AndEarthquake Engineering,2007,27(7):642-654
    [5]BAIRR O Rogério.NEFOREEE-Performance benchmark of three major european shaking tables[C]//First EuropeanConference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology.Geneva,2006.
    [6]Baker J W.Which spectral acceleration are you using?[J]Earthquake Spectra,2006,22(2):293-312.
    [7]Bathurst R J.Shaking table testing of geofoam seismic buffers[J].Soil Dynamics And Earthquake Engineering,2007,27(4):324-332
    [8]Bathurst R J.A simple displacement model for response analysis of EPS geofoam seismic buffers[J].Soil Dynamics AndEarthquake Engineering,2007,27(4):344-353.
    [9]Bazyar M H.Song Chongmin,Time-harmonic response of non-homogeneous elastic unbounded domains using the scaledboundary finite-element method[J].Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,2006,35(3):357-383.
    [10]Bernardie S.Non-linear site response simulations in Chang-Hwa region during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake,Taiwan[J].Soil Dynamics And Earthquake Engineering,2006,26(11):1038-1048.
    [11]Birk C.A symmetric time-domain model for 3D dam-reservoir interaction including radiation damping[J],EarthquakeEngineering and Structural Dynamics,2007,36(5):661-682.
    [12]Bommer Julian J.Adapting earthquake actions in Eurocode 8 for performance-based seismic design[J].EarthquakeEngineering and Structural Dynamics,2006,35(1):39-55.
    [13]Bostrom A.Earthquake mitigation decisions and consequences[J].Earthquake Spectra,2006,22(2):313-327.
    [14]Bougacha S,Tassoulas J L.Dam-water-sediment-rock systems:Seismic analysis[J].Soil Dynamics And EarthquakeEngineering,2006,26(6-7):680-693.
    [15]Das S.Damage-based design with no repairs for multiple events and its sensitivity to seismicity model[J].EarthquakeEngineering and Structural Dynamics,2007,36(3):307-325.
    [16]Debasis K,Vinay K G.Estimation of strength reduction factors via normalized pseudo-acceleration response spectrum[J].Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,2007,36(6):751-763.
    [17]Dhakal R P.Identification of critical ground motions for seismic performance assessment of structures[J].EarthquakeEngineering and Structural Dynamics,2006,35(8):989-1008.
    [18]Dupuis D J.Modelling peak accelerations from earthquakes[J].Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,2006,35(8):969-987.
    [19]Eurocode 8[EB/OL]http://www.eurocodes.co.uk/EurocodeDetail.aspx?Eurocode=8[S].
    [20]Federal Emergency Management Agency,Next-Generation Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines[S],FEMA-445/August 2006.
    [21]Federal Emergency Management Agency,Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety-Earthquake Analyses and Design of Dams[S],FEMA-65/May 2005.
    [22]Federal Emergency Management Agency,Improvement of Nonlinear Static Seismic Analysis Procedures[S].FEMA 440/June 2005.
    [23]Gerolymos N.Development of Winkler model for static and dynamic response of caisson foundations with soil and interfacenonlinearities[J].Soil Dynamics And Earthquake Engineering,2006,26(5):363-376.
    [24]Gerolymos N.Static and dynamic response of massive caisson foundations with soil and interface nonlinearities-validationand results[J].Soil Dynamics And Earthquake Engineering,2006,26(5):377-394.
    [25]Gicev V.Trifunac M D.Permanent deformations and strains in a shear building excited by a strong motion pulse[J].SoilDynamics And Earthquake Engineering,2007,27(8):774-792.
    [26]Guyader A C.Determining Equivalent Linear Parameters for use in a capacity spectrum method of analysis[J].Struct.Engrg.,2006,132(1):59-67.
    [27]Han Sang Whan.Approximate incremental dynamic analysis using the modal pushover analysis procedure[J].EarthquakeEngineering and Structural Dynamics,2006,35(15):1853-1873.
    [28]Hancock J.A State-of-knowledge review of the influence of strong-motion duration on structural damage[J].EarthquakeSpectra,2006,22(3):827-845.
    [29]Hafner S.A Multigrid finite element method for themesoscale analysis of concrete[C]//Fourth European Congress onComputational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering,ECCOMAS,2004.
    [30]Hafner S,S Eckardt,T Luther,C K nke.Mesoscale modeling of concrete:Geometry and numerics[J].Computers andStructures,2006,84:450-461.
    [31]Hancock J.Using spectral matched records to explore the influence of strong-motion duration on inelastic structuralresponse[J].Soil Dynamics And Earthquake Engineering,2007,27(4):291-299.
    [32]Haukaas T.Efficient computation of response sensitivities for inelastic structures[J].Struct.Engrg.,2006,132(2):260-266.
    [33]Iervolino I,Manfredi G.Ground motion duration effects on nonlinear seismic response[J].Earthquake Engineering andStructural Dynamics,2006,35(1):21-38.
    [34]Jaiswal O R.Review of seismic codes on liquid-containing tanks[J].Earthquake Spectra,2007,23(1):239-260.
    [35]Jarenprasert S.Inelastic spectrum-based approach for seismic design spectra[J].Struct.Engrg.,2006,132(8):1284-1292.
    [36]Johansson J.Fault induced permanent ground deformations-an experimental comparison of wet and dry soil and implicationsfor buried structures[J].Soil Dynamics And Earthquake Engineering,2006,26(1):45-53.
    [37]Kajiwara Koichi.Shaking table and activities at E-defense[C]//First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering andSeismology.Geneva,2006.
    [38]Kalkan E.Coupled tilt and translational ground motion response spectra[J].Struct.Engrg.,2007,133(5):609-619.
    [39]Karamitros D K.Stress analysis of buried steel pipelines at strike-slip fault crossings[J].Soil Dynamics And EarthquakeEngineering,2007,27(3):200-211.
    [40]Karl L,Haegeman W.Determination of the material damping ratio and the shear wave velocity with the seismic conepenetration test[J].Soil Dynamics And Earthquake Engineering,2006,26(12):1111-1126.
    [41]Kempton J.Prediction equations for significant duration of earthquake ground motions considering site and near-sourceeffects[J].Earthquake Spectra,2006,22(4):985-1013.
    [42]Kokusho T,Motoyama R.Wave energy in surface layers for energy-based damage evaluation[J].Soil Dynamics AndEarthquake Engineering,2007,27(4):354-366.
    [43]Kouretzis G P.3-D shell analysis of cylindrical underground structures under seismic shear wave action[J].Soil Dynamicsand Earthquake Engineering,2006,26(10):909-921.
    [44]Léger P,Javanmardi F.Seismic stability of concrete gravity dams strengthened by rockfill buttressing[J].Soil DynamicsAnd Earthquake Engineering,2007,27(3):274-290.
    [45]Liao S,Zerva A.Physically compliant,conditionally simulated spatially variable seismic ground motions for performance-based design[J].Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,2006,35(7):891-919.
    [46]Lua Jian-Fei.Dynamic response of a piecewise circular tunnel embedded in a poroelastic medium[J].Soil Dynamics AndEarthquake Engineering,27(9):875-891.
    [47]Luco N.Structure-specific scalar intensity measures for near-source and ordinary earthquake ground motions[J].Earthquake Spectra,2007,23(2):357-392.
    [48]Malhotra P K.Seismic risk and design loads[J].Earthquake Spectra,2006,22(1):115-128.
    [49]Malhotra P K.Return period of recorded ground motion[J].Struct.Engrg.,2006,132(6):833-839.
    [50]Malla Sujan.Dynamic stability of detached concrete blocks in arch dam subjected to strong ground shaking[C]//FirstEuropean Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology.Geneva,2006.
    [51]Memari A M.Architectural glass panels with rounded corners to mitigate earthquake damage[J].Earthquake Spectra,2006,22(1):129-150.
    [52]Millan M A.The effects of reservoir geometry on the seismic response of gravity dams[J].Earthquake Engineering andStructural Dynamics,2007,36(11):1441-1459.
    [53]Miura H.Updating GIS Building Inventory Data Using High-Resolution Satellite Images for Earthquake DamageAssessment:Application to Metro Manila,Philippines[J].Earthquake Spectra,2006,22(1):151-168.
    [54]Molnar S.A comparison of site response techniques using weak-motion earthquakes and nicrotremors[J].EarthquakeSpectra,2006,22(1):169-188.
    [55]Mosqueda G.Real-Time Error Monitoring for Hybrid Simulation.Part I:methodology and experimental verification[J].Struct.Engrg.,2007,133(8):1100-1108.
    [56]Mosqueda G.Real-Time Error Monitoring for Hybrid Simulation.Part II:structural response modification due to errors[J].Struct.Engrg.,2007,133(8):1109-1117.
    [57]Mylonakis G.An alternative to the Mononobe-Okabe equations for seismic earth pressures[J].Soil Dynamics AndEarthquake Engineering,2007,27(10):957-969.
    [58]Nasseri-Moghaddam A.Effects of underground cavities on Rayleigh waves-Field and numerical experiments[J].SoilDynamics And Earthquake Engineering,2007,27(4):330-313.
    [59]Negro Paolo.Performance-based engineering concepts:past,present and future[C]//First European Conference onEarthquake Engineering and Seismology.Geneva,2006.
    [60]zkan M Y.An evaluation of Güldürcek dam response during 6 June 2000 Orta earthquake[J].Soil Dynamics AndEarthquake Engineering,26(5):405-419.
    [60]Pavese Alberto.Shaking table and research activites at EUcentre pavia[C]//First European Conference on EarthquakeEngineering and Seismology.Geneva,2006.
    [62]Pekau O A.Seismic behaviour of cracked concrete gravity dams[J].Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,2006,35(4):477-495.
    [63]Pergalani F.Evaluation of site effects using numerical and experimental analyses in Cittàdi Castello(Italy)[J].SoilDynamics And Earthquake Engineering,2006,26(10):941-951.
    [64]Phung V.Methodology for site classification estimation using strong ground motion data from the Chi-Chi,taiwan,earthquake[J].Earthquake Spectra,2006,22(2):511-531.
    [65]Porter K.Fragility of hydraulic elevators for use in performance-based earthquake engineering[J].Earthquake Spectra,2007,23(2):459-469.
    [66]Porter K.Creating fragility functions for performance-based earthquake engineering[J].Earthquake Spectra,2007,23(2):471-489.
    [67]Priestle N.Initial stiffness or secant stiffness for seismic design which is more appropriate?[C]//First EuropeanConference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology.Geneva,2006.
    [68]Proulx Jean.A comparison of recorded and computed earthquake motions of large concrete dams[C]//First EuropeanConference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology.Geneva,2006.
    [69]Riddell R.On ground motion intensity indices[J].Earthquake Spectra,2007,23(1):147-173.
    [70]Rivera J L.Design approach based on UAFR spectra for structures with displacement-dependent dissipating elements[J].Earthquake Spectra,2007,23(2):417-439.
    [71]Roulléa A.The strong ground motion in Mexico City:Analysis of data recorded by a 3D array[J].Soil Dynamics AndEarthquake Engineering,2006,26(1):71-89.
    [72]Sasani M.New measure for severity of near-source seismic ground motion[J].Struct.Engrg.,2006,132(12):1997-2005.
    [73]Spanosa P D,Giaralis A.Time-frequency representation of earthquake accelerograms and inelastic structural responserecords using the adaptive chirplet decomposition and empirical mode decomposition[J].Soil Dynamics And EarthquakeEngineering,2007,27(7):675-689.
    [74]Taniguchi T,Miwa T.A simple procedure to approximate slip displacement of freestanding rigid body subjected toearthquake motions[J].Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,2007,36(4):481-501.
    [75]Toms J,Mlüler T M.Comparative review of theoretical models for elastic wave attenuation and dispersion in partiallysaturated rocks[J].Soil Dynamics And Earthquake Engineering,2006,26(6-7):548-565.
    [76]Villaverde R.Methods to assess thes seismic collapse capacity of building structures:state of the art[J].Struct.Engrg.,2007,133(1):57-66.
    [77]Wang Haibo,Li Deyu.Experimental study of seismic overloading of large arch dam[J].Earthquake Engineering andStructural Dynamics,2006,35(2):199-216.
    [78]Wang Haibo,Li Deyu.Experimental study of dynamic damage of an arch dam[J].Earthquake Engineering and StructuralDynamics,2007,36(3):347-366.
    [79]Wieland Martin.Earthquake safety of existing dams[C]//First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering andSeismology.Geneva,2006.
    [80]Wieland M.Investigating stress concentration[J].International Water Power and Dam Construction,2006,7.
    [81]Zhai Chang-Hai.A new approach of selecting real input ground motions for seismic design:The most unfavourable realseismic design ground motions[J].Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,2007,36(8):1009-1027.

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