1. [地质云]地热
In this paper we present a generalised and systematic decision support methodology and tool to identify and evaluate options for facilitated symbiotic development of industrial clusters. Our approach is developed with insight and feedback from industry, community and Government stakeholders of the Kawerau industrial site in New Zealand to support early stage engagement of diverse stakeholders. The methodology integrates cluster design by superstructure optimisation, the WoodScape techno-economic analysis methodology and Monte Carlo simulation to provide a range of metrics for investment profitability, macroeconomics and environmental impact to suit diverse stakeholder needs. The novelty of the methodology lies in the flexibility of its modular formulation using demand driven models for industrial plants at an appropriately reduced complexity and using recent advances in optimisation technology. Impact of key uncertainties are assessed through post optimisation Monte Carlo simulations. The methodology is applied to three case studies to identify and evaluate new wood processing opportunities for the Kawerau site. The methodology is formulated to be general and can be applied to other industrial clusters."