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Symbolized as"the telescope stretching into the Earth's interior",the Continental Scientific Drilling has been the only efficient way for directly obtaining information from the Earth's surface to the deep crust.The Continental Scientific Drilling(CSD)is one of the main important means for studying the deep interior of the Earth.Fifteen years have passed since the beginning of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Program(CCSD).Great achievements have been made in many of the research fields.Global academic attentions have been attracted from all over the world especially after the drilling of the first deep hole(5158m)of the CCSD in 2001,which has made a lot of brilliant achievements and enormous impact.The total drilling depth of the following continental drilling projects has exceeded over 35000 m.These projects are Continental Environmental Scientific Drilling Program of China,Continental Scientific Drilling Project of Cretaceous Songliao Basin,Scientific Drilling of the Environmental Resources of QiadamSaline Lake,Scientific Drilling Project of WenchuanEarthquakeFault Zone,Selecting Continental Scientific Drilling Sites and Experimenting with Drilling Technologies.Those projects together with their scientific achievements have shown that the CCSD is in the ascendant.To commemorate the 20 th anniversary of ICDP(1996-2016)and the 15 th anniversary of CCSD(2001-2016),this paper reviews the 15 years of hardship and struggle history and the prospects for the future of the CCSD.