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The tectonic pattern of Archean crust is a key issue for the current geology,and rising two classical tectonic models,i. e.horizontal and vertical tectonics. The studied Anshan area,eastern Liaoning Province,located in the northeastern part of North China Craton( NCC),and widely exposed Archean tonalite,trondhjemite and granodiorite( TTGs),greenschist-facies metamorphosed maficmid acid volcanic clastic rocks and BIF-bearing siliceous rocks,composing the typical Archean granite-greenstone belt. Additionally,the abundant deformation developed in the belt provide important evidences to better understanding the tectonic evolution of the early earth crust. In this study,the detailed macro-structural analysis reveals that the steep-dipping-slip ductile shear zones exist around the boundary between the TTGs and greenstones in the Qidashan and Baijiafen districts,respectively,revealing a Neoarchean vertical‘dome and keel structure'tectonic pattern. Moreover,the I2VIS finite difference and mark-in-cell technique,simulates the process of the vertical Archean tectonics in the Anshan area,and suggests the evolutional process: firstly,the large volumes of magmatic activities took place in the Late Neoarchean,resulting in the re-activation of TTG upper crust rocks and the decrease of viscosity and density;subsequently greenstone sagduction happened,caused by the density difference between the greenstone layers and TTGs basement.Meanwhile,the numerical simulation results also show that the Archean vertical tectonic system may be an important mechanism of crust-mantle material exchange cycle in the early earth's evolution.