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The Sulu-Dabie erogenic belt is a typical UHP zone with outcropping of eclogites. The CCSD (Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling) project chose Donghai County which is covered by widespread eclogites as the first site for deep drilling, because this will be of great significance in disclosing the geodynamic processes of the post-collisional orogeny and later deformation and exhumation. However, the lack in data for the deep geology of this area makes tomography one of the most important methods for velocity perturbation analysis of deep materials, and it may serve as a guide for deep surveys of the area. We arranged a crossed profile at the center of the drilling site at N340°W and N70°E. The results of the tomography show that the 3rd layer is consistent with the variations of the Bouguer anomaly, and related to the Moho. Both the high velocity perturbation and high gravity appear at the center, and the Tanlu and Jiashan-Xiangshui faults both show as boundaries between high and low velocities and gravities. The NS section perpendicular to the structural strike can be divided into three parts, which represent the Yangtze, Sulu and North China plates respectively. The fault in the southern part is steeper with discontinuous dipping high-velocity bodies, while the faults in the northern part are all dipping north, obviously controlled by the Tanlu fault. There are three zones of abrupt changes for high- and low-velocity bodies at depths below 200 km, which are at 30 km, 80 km and 130 km, corresponding to the depths of the Moho, the lithosphere and the asthenosphere, respectively. This framework reflects the features of lithosphere activity controlled by deep faults in the Sulu area.