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Deep seismic reflection and MT surveys along an 139km profile across the SuluUHPM terrane from Tangchen to Lianshui have been completed, producing highquality records and rich geological information about crustal structures. The resultsinclude (a) The Sulu UHPM and HPM terrane is a rock-slice with high velocity andresistivity, dipping northwest and undergone heavy deformation, implying itssubduction and then exhumation during Track Period, (b) the Yangtze craton,showing as a bent plate with normal velocity and relatively low resistivity, wassubducting northward beneath the Sulu UHPM terrane, containing a lot of wedgereflectors related to the collision between the Sulu and the Yangtze; (c) the Jiashan-Xionzhui fault zone contains two faults of steeply dipping south, corresponding to alow-resistivity zone reaching the oppermost mantle, probably implying that it might bea Mesozoic rift similar to the Ni-Shu Fault zone; (d) both the old Moho of theIndosinian subducting Yangtze crust and the new Moho formed after IndosinianMovement have strong and clear reflectors, indicating strong magmatic activities andinteraction between the crust of the mantle during Mesozoic Period which contributedto the formation and the new Moho; and (e) a group of thrusts exist in the uppercrust under the Sulu UHPM belt which may closely related to the exhumation of theUHPM belt, encouraging the scientific drilling in the South Sulu area whose aimsinclude revealing the exhumation dynamics of the UHPM belt.