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A close study on the petrography of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic ( UHPM) rocks from the main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) reveals that the eclogites comprise about 60% of the recovered core from the 0-2000m of the drilling hole. The drilling hole elucidates the 3D architechtutre of the deep subducted slab. Most of the eclogites are mafic protoliths having a long residence history in the crust before the deep subduction of the continental slab. However the garnet clinopyroxenites are closely related with garnet peridotites which occur within the 607-83m level of the drilling hole. Based on their mineralogical and petrochemical characteristics they were ultramafic complexes incorporated into the subducted slab from the surronding mantle during the deep subduction of the continental slab and had undergone UHP metamorphism. The eclogitic gneisses, equivalent partly to paragneiss as called by some geologists, are UHPM rocks of intermediate acidic protolith associated with the mafic ones. The granitic gneisses are of diverse origin, however, judging from the amphibole and biotite schist relics most of them are products of decompressive partial melting of the retrogressive amphibolite and biotite gneiss. The metamorphic evolution of the eclogitic rocks can be divided into 3 major stages . The first stage (M1 ca 230-240 Ma) is the ultrahigh pressure metamorphism( UHPM) as evidenced by coesite inclusions within garnet , omphacite and rutile grains in eclogites. The titanian clinohumite in garnet peridotites is an evidence for their ultrahigh-pressure history. The second (M2:226-219 Ma) is the retrogressive stage during which most of the UHPM rocks were turned to rocks of high-pressure eclogite facies and amphibolite facies. At this stage the eclogites are characterized by the growth of symplectites and coronas. These peculiar structures reflect the disequilibrium and re-equilibrium history of the rock which elucidates a rapid uplift of the UHP terrane. Subsequently (219-180 Ma) the eclogitic gneiss is retrograded to be biotite ( hornblende) plagioclase gneiss and epidote biotite (amphibole) gneiss which are partly remelted or owing to K-metasomatism of the HP supercritical fluid turned to biotite hornblende two feldspar gneiss ( so-call orthogneiss) . Some of them are allanite(-Ce)-bearing. The allanites are zonal with La/Ce =0.42-0. 72, and are rimmed by epidote, representing the later overprint of epidote amphibolite facies retrometamorphism. The third stage ( M3:170-180Ma) is characterized by the formation of tectonic breccia and mylonites in response to the brittle and ductile-brittle deformation related to the uplift. The matrix of the tectonites containing chlorite, actinolite and calcite indicates the greenschist facies of metamorphism. All of the above-mentioned 3 stages of metamorphism are records of the tectonic processes surpassed by these eclogitic rocks. Careful microtextural analysis can reveal the time sequence of crystallization and deformation. Based on the petrographic study combined with geochronological work published hitherto it is possible to correlate the different stage of metamorphic evolution with tectonic processes prevailed in Sulu region during the Mesozoic time. The metamorphic evolution and the successive deformational events found in the CCSD main hole have cast some light on the Mesozoic continental dynamics in eastern China. It confirms that during the Triassic collision of the two ( Yangtze and North China) plates (around 240Ma) voluminous crustal materials including granitic rocks can deeply be subducted to mantle depth and then rapidly returned back to the Earths surface. The exhumation of the UHP terrane was a complicated process. The earlier uplift subsequent to the peak metamorphic stage of the UHP rocks was very rapid (c. 5Km/Ma) and were nearly adiabatic and then was followed by retrograde metamorphism of amphibolite facies during which decompressive partial melting had taken place (as late as 180 Ma). Regional partial melting of the continental crust would eventially caused the further uplift of the slab and the presence of extension regime. The extensional tectonics of the subucted extruded continental crust was accompanied by the albite epidote amphibolite facies to greenschist facies of retrometamorphism.