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The Zhimafang ultramafic body in the Sulu ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt is a block of unusual mantle composed of highly depleted peridotite, which has been enriched in REE and LILE by metasomatism. It consists of interlayered garnet peridotite and garnet-free peridotite, which have many common compositional features and formed under the same p-T conditions. The rocks record several geological events; however, evidence of progressive metamorphism has not been confirmed. Calculated p-T conditions from equilibrium mineral pairs suggest pressures of 6-7GPa. Partial melting of the sequence in the Mesoproterozic was probably responsible for the interlayering of the two rock types. A U-Pb zircon age of 220Ma records the collision between Yangtze and North China blocks, but this age may not represent the time of peak UHP metamorphism. More likely, it records exhumation of the block from the deep portion of the subduction zone. The available data suggest that the garnet was exsolved from enstatite as rocks rose from the deep mantle.