An exact solution for a constant-strength line-sink satisfying the modified Helmholtz equation for groundwater flow
We obtained an exact solution in terms of the discharge potential for a constant-strength line-sink that satisfies the modified Helmholtz equation for groundwater flow, for example for semi-confined flow and transient flow. The solution is obtained by integrating the potential for a point sink (well) along a straight line element. The potential for the point-sink is the modified Bessel function of the second kind and zero order K0. Since K0 cannot be integrated directly (in closed form) along a line-element, earlier solutions for a line-sink have been obtained by integrating polynomial approximations to K0. These approximations, however, are only valid up to a certain distance from the well and consequently impose a limit on the length of the line-sink. In this paper we integrate an exact series representation for K0 that is valid at any distance from the well, thus allowing integration along line-elements of any length, at least in theory. Numerical difficulties arise when evaluating our expressions at large distances from the line-sink, but these are shown to be of little consequence in practice. We made use of Wirtinger calculus to facilitate integration and also to allow us to arrive at exact expressions for the integrated flux over a poly-line and the total leakage over a domain. These properties are essential when using the solution in the context of the Analytic Element Method (AEM). We demonstrate our solution for the case of semi-confined flow (with leakage) and for the case of transient flow in the context of the Laplace Transform Analytic Element Method (LT-AEM).