Toxic events in the northwest Pacific coastline of Mexico during 1992-1995: Origin and impact
Previously considered as toxin-free, the Baja California Peninsula has witnessed several toxic algal blooms during the past three years. Apparently these ‘red-tide’ phenomena's outbreaks are not linked to any human related activity. This may just reflect better detection and training. Such events may be periodical and natural rather than induced. The most common types of marine toxins have been detected along the coast of the Peninsula and neighboring waters by mouse bioassay and chromatographic techniques. These are: Tetrodotoxin (TTX), Amnesic Shellfish Poison (ASP), Paralytic Shellfish Poisons (PSP), Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisons (DSP) and even Ciguatera (CFP), which are related to the presence of organisms of Prorocentrum sp. and Alexandrium sp. groups, and the diatom Pseudonitzschia sp. among others. There are also some indications about different kinds of TTX in the puffer fish of the region, and reasons to believe that we are facing a quite different pattern in toxic components, since PSP toxic potency (defined as the number of mouse units per gram (MU/g) of shellfish meat) is very high in spite of low dinoflagellates cell density registered. The ecological and social impact of the above has been considerable, with mass deaths of shellfish, seagulls, dolphins and turtles, and even some human casualties. The locally registered toxicity records: PSP found in one single fanshell roaches to 23 000 MU/100 g of tissue as determined by the mouse bioassay and, on a different event, two persons killed after ingesting puffer fish fillet. The largest reservoir of commercial marine organisms in Mexico is precisely the Northwest coast of the country and important plans for building large harbors and develop aquaculture areas are in progress. Therefore, a monitoring program is essential for an adequate management of such resources. Considering the large extension of the Peninsula (about 1600 km) and, at this time, the lack of efficient communication means and scarce population, the implementation of such monitoring programs presents a big challenge.