Institutional support of the implementation of system approach to monitoring the unique system of Lake Baikal
We examine some issues related to institutional support of the formation of the state ecological monitoring system for the unique ecological system of Lake Baikal. We provide a rationale for setting up the institute of state-governed ecological monitoring built upon active legislation, characteristics of the uniqueness, ecosystem approach, and upon the scientific support of the creation and accompaniment of ecosystem monitoring. Various institutes for implementation of system approach to monitoring are considered. It is suggested that the approach to assessing permissibility of the kinds of activity should be altered fundamentally by imposing a ban on the use of technologies involving wastes containing harmful substances falling in the category of specially hazardous and highly hazardous for the lake’s ecosystem. We have formulated the conditions for updating the list of the kinds of activity banned on the territory of the central ecological zone. A package of investigations has been developed for implementation of the new approach to standardizing impacts on Baikal’s ecosystem, implying the scientific substantiation of its response to anthropogenic impacts. An analysis is made of the problems and conflicts in the way of accomplishing governance of the water-economy complex caused by regulation of responsibilities in the sphere of environmental protection. We examine the attitude adopted by agencies and business entities as regards the regulation of recovery of damages done as a result of environmental offence. We suggest some ideas as to the institution of measures within the Federal Target Program of the protection of Baikal, specifically for the operation and construction of pollution control facilities in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory, based on making alterations to the critical target indicators of the Program and establishing priorities of the measures and relevant parameters to be monitored for Lake Baikal. Subsequent to a relevant analysis, we make proposals for the resolution of administrative issues related to formulation and implementation of a system approach to monitoring the lake’s ecosystem in view of the gap between the instituted spheres of responsibility of federal agencies and the administrative, financial and human resources available. The proposals can be used for the legal and institutional support of the protection of Baikal, and for the economic development of the Baikal region. Keywords system approach banned kinds of activity standardization of permissible impacts Federal Target Program target indicators spheres of responsibility governance of the water-economy complex