Shape factor in the drawdown solution for well testing of dual-porosity systems
One of the important parameters in existing commercial dual-porosity reservoir simulators is matrixfracture shape factor, which is customarily obtained by assuming a constant pressure at the matrixfracture boundary. In his work, Chang [1] and [2] addressed the impact of boundary conditions at the matrixfracture interface and presented analytical solutions for the transient shape factor and showed that for a slab-shaped matrix block a constant pressure boundary condition leads to an asymptotic (long-time) shape factor of π2/L2, and that a constant volumetric flux leads to an asymptotic shape factor of 12/L2. In a recent paper [3], we reconfirmed Chang’s [1] and [2] results using a Laplace transform approach. In this study, we extend our previous analysis and use infinite-acting radial and linear dual-porosity models, where the boundary condition is chosen at the wellbore, as opposed to at the matrix boundary. The coupled equations for fracture and matrix are solved analytically, taking into account the transient exchange between matrix and fracture. The analytical solution that invokes the time dependency of fracture boundary condition under constant rate is then used to calculate the transient shape factors. It is shown that, for a well producing at constant rate from a naturally fractured reservoir, the appropriate value of stabilized shape factor is 12/L2. This contrasts with the commonly used shape factor for a slab-shaped matrix block that is subject to a constant pressure boundary condition, which is π2/L2. The errors in the matrixfracture exchange term in a dual-porosity model associated with the use of a shape factor derived based on constant pressure boundary condition at the matrix boundary are then evaluated.