Vernacular and Technology. InBetween
The challenges of 21st century are related to the community's ability to succeed a sustainable management of the landscape's resources, in a world where tradition's nostalgia and the patrimonialization are interpreted and re-used in relation with globalization and consuming. In a time of dramatic changes on the social scale and technology, sustainability means more than preserving traditions in places where the vernacular knowledge are important resources to recovery the local identity. It requires a reformulation of their use, a suitable dynamic adaptation of the contemporary world, merging with the technology integration into the landscape. This paper proposes introspection on the integration of indigenous values identified in the current technology development through the transfer of information on landscape. A smart landscape is an adaptable landscape. Adaptability is derived from the proposed uses of technologies in a sustainable vision, in a balanced use of local resources and evolutionary protection of the heritage. The resource, local heritage and technology need to be reconsidered in a relationship with a return to the primary motivation - their coexistence in the landscape, which can be seen as information's primary database that spawned the first technological elements - clay, metal tools and first building blocks. In a cyclical evolution, the technology returns in the 21st century landscape in the form of information and its impact and consequences oscillates between transformation and conservation nostalgia. In this context the dialogue between vernacular and technology gains materiality, redefining old taboo-dispute between tradition and contemporaneousness. The paper aims towards to highlighting the concept of “vernacular” and “technology” and to underline how can their relation be reinterpreting in a sustainable and resilient vision, in a way that respond to the landscape continuous changes.