Reliability centered maintenance optimization for power distribution systems
Today鈥檚 electricity distribution systems operate in a liberalized market. These systems should therefore be able to provide electricity to customers with a high degree of reliability and be cost-effective for suppliers. RCM (Reliability Centred Maintenance) was invented by the aircraft industry in the 1960s, to organize the increasing need for maintenance for reducing costs without reducing b safety. Today RCM-methods invented by ALADON are seen as very complex and are not fully accepted by the Algerian power industry. The extensive need of human and capital resources in the introduction phase is also a negative factor that could be one of the reasons of why RCM methods are not used in our branch. This article provides a discussion of the two primary objectives of RCM: to ensure safety through preventive maintenance actions, and, when safety is not a concern, preserve functionality in the most economical manner. For the power distribution systems facilities, the mission should be considered at the same level as safety.