The 1995 United Nations agreement on straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks: a critique
  • 作者:Juda ; L.
  • 刊名:Oceanographic Literature Review
  • 年:1997
  • 期:1
  • 来源:Elsevier
  • 类型:期刊
Problems associated with the failure of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea to address adequately the management of straddling stocks have become readily apparent in the period since that treaty's adoption in 1982. The new agreement provides a significant attempt by the international community to deal with those problems. The agreement incorporates the concept of precaution, strengthens the role of regional organizations in the management of straddling fish stocks, and encourages consideration of fisheries in a wider ecosystem context. This article examines the provisions of the Straddling Stocks Agreement, as well as some of the underlying pressures and difficulties that may threaten their successful implementation and undermine the effectiveness of international regimes for the management of marine living resources.