Arsenic-induced responses in freshwater teleosts
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The environment is currently polluted by thousands of chemicals or xenobiotics introduced into the environment by man to meet the demands of the modern era. Every day we encounter this negative side of human civilization, but have done little to lessen the rate of pollution. Although the entire biosphere is polluted it is water resources that are the most polluted because water is the ultimate sink for many contaminants. Thus, fish are the most vulnerable of all animal species. They are helpless because they cannot avoid the polluted habitat and face this contamination by default. Nevertheless, fish are found to survive under extreme conditions when their natural habitat has been compromised to a great extent. However, fish are highly sensitive to small environmental changes and their populations gradually dwindle if pollution continues unabated. However, we know that there are instances when water is cleaned and the rate of repopulation by different fish species has gained momentum, restoring the ecological balance. Thus, fish are considered reliable bioindicators of water pollution and fish ecotoxicology has received much attention in recent years, and fish toxicology has been able to defend a significant position in the arena of xenobiotics research over the years. This review deals with some of the major intoxication and detoxication signals manifested by fish exposed to arsenic (As), which is presently one of the most worrying metalloids in water pollution.